Its beautiful, fun and while linear for the first few hours you eventually get side quests. Its not any less of a rpg then any other.
Whats so bad about not being able to go back to old lvs that would serve no purpose gameplay wise and would just ruin the story.
Is this not the best techno trance remix of gaming music youve ever heard
1. Was worst that FF12, an already huge disaster for FF back then
2. Proves that all and any talent of Square moved to Mistwaker, since FF10 was their last great game and real FF
3. Lost Odyssey is a 100x better JRPG and game
4. The game is not just linear, has no NPC's, no towns never feels like a RPG in the slightest, and also is exremely tedious to go through, i hated the cutscenes to proportions i never though possible, was like watching the worst thing in my life on screen actually, was that cheesy
5. The game had nothing good aside the combat system, which wihtout anything else feels like a forced action title with some upgrades and bosses frankly were nothing like older titles
In short, FF12 was one of the worst games i have ever played with releative ease (bland, generic and plyed itself ) and FF13 is 10 times worst, imagine that
If you call FF13 RPG, then any game can be called RPG times 1000
Games like Demon Soul, Fable 2, Mass Effect 1-2 make FF13 look redicoulous, one indifferent and totally mediocre title, without anything noteworthy really
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