Well, Metal Gear Solid 1 pretty much put the lid on everything and wrapped it up. There was nothing that had to be resolved.
In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, we are left with hundreds of questions. Most noteably, what the hell happened with the Patriots? They all died... one hundred years ago? How?
Then Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a... prequel? Why? Why wasn't Metal Gear Solid 3 what Metal Gear Solid 4 is? Why'd they decide to continue the story seven years later instead of having the next installment clear up the questions?
Now, I've only beaten Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2, and played a little bit of 4. Haven't tried 3 yet, so please, if you are going to spoil anything in the story of 3 or 4, please put *SPOILERS!* so I know.
By the way, are the Solid Snake Tales in Metal Gear Solid 2 worth doing? There's, like, five of, I guess, what Snake was doing during Raiden's part. Is it worth doing them? How long are they?
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