[QUOTE="-Maddog-"][QUOTE="Taz-Bone"][QUOTE="-Maddog-"][QUOTE="Taz-Bone"][QUOTE="-Maddog-"][QUOTE="Taz-Bone"][QUOTE="-Maddog-"][QUOTE="samusarmada"][QUOTE="-Maddog-"][QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"] because Xbox is more powerful :|
just a thought. Wii is under powered.
I went to the Wii forum sometime ago and I could not stop laughing, some people there actually believe Wii can do HD graphics and produce graphics like Gears of War :lol: they actually believe Wii is as powerful as X360/PS3.
LMFAO! your kidding right?? those sheep are seriously blind. BTW, i'm sure it was confirmed that the wii was better than the xbox. I just can't believe how bad the games look. What are devs doing??? Makes you think why nintendo didn't release the final specs, because its probably real bad.
i just told you what the devs were doing
I'm sorry thats No excuse..the wiis out the hardwares there. for example Red steel looks like a PS2 title to me..why is that?? I remember the devs talking about its hardware and how the game will look great. Ubisoft usually make impressive looking titles..but that was so bad. How can Not one dev get a good graphical that matches xbox atleast within 5 months???
Wii=cube..nuff said.
oh, so splintercell looks better on the 360 because the ps3 is not as powerful.
Umm...SC on the PS3 looks just as good..what you on about??? I'm talking graphics and the wii since its suppose to be better than the xbox....but yes the game might of been alil rushed since ubisoft seem to favour SC on the Xbox more..but thats it. Its still a awesome looking game for the PS3.
looks like **** compared to the 360 version. You say it was a lil rushed, I'm sorry thats No excuse..the ps3's out the hardwares there. Â
LOL, but the game looks awesome still..you fail. Theres not much of a difference. SC for the PS3 was a 360 port....and designed for the 360 in mind. you can say it was a bad port. its nothing like Redsteel for the wii....it was its own game made for a particular system called the WII...and still looks horrible. you fail.
only person that fails is you, there is a big difference. and yeah, red steel looked crap, but it still had some decent looking environments. Red steel aside, you think all those other ps2 to Wii ports were good? Do you think when they made the ps2 game, they had the Wii in mind?
Have you actually played the game on the PS3...i doubt it. Point is redsteel isn't a port nor is it PS2 hardware...why does it still look like a PS2 game??? and most of the ported wii titles look so bad i can't explain it..worser than the PS2 version. its hilarious.
you fail
I fail..yet you can't prove me wrong. Sit down. Â
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