My topic says it all.
Almost every where I go the PS3 receives so much hate and i want to know why. So far I was able two major Ps3 bashing points and some other little ones. The major ones are the price of the PS3 and the PS3 gaming library. I'm prepared to show that Most these stuff are wrong so hold on for the ride.
The Gameing libray of the PS3
2007 certainly was lacking for PS3 game-wise, but there is much more coming out in 08/09! I have made a list with PS3 games to show that the statement, "The PS3 has no games." is none sense. (THERE ARE SOME RUMOURED GAMES IN THE LIST TOO!)
Metal Gear Solid 4
Final Fantasy XIII (+ Versus)
Uncharted 2 (rumoured)
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
Gran Turismo 5
God of War 3 (*drool everywhere*)
Killzone 2
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Heavenly Sword
Jak and Daxter
Ratchet and Clank
MotorStorm 2
Tekken 6
White Knight Chronicles
Zone of the Enders 3
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Yakuza 3
Socom confrontation
Burnout Paradise
Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit
Army of Two
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Call of Duty 4
Grand Theft Auto 4
Devil May Cry 4
Assassin's Creed
Far Cry 2
Soulcalibur 4
Condemned 2
Rock Band
Orange Box
Resident Evil 5
Dynasty Warriors 6
Battlefield Bad Company
Dark Sector
Midnight club 4
Well, if that isn't enough games well then I don't know what is. (I only stopped with the multi plats because my hand was getting tired.) So I proved my point. Xbox 360, on the other hand, does not have such a long list of exclusive games that I could not just get on my PC. Granted, some people prefer console gaming to PC, but given the choice I will choose PC any-day, and so 360 does not pose such an intimidating list of exclusives. Here is a list I have compiled of 360 games worth playing that aren't available on PC.
Halo 3 (probable PC release anyway)
Mass Effect
Ninja Gaiden 2
Forza 2
Project Gotham Racing 4
Banjo Three
Too Human
Fable 2
In the end of it all I think the Xbox 360 is lacking in the games department. Although some people complain Xbox 360 multiplats are better, thats only because the PS3 is a year younger. Devs will get better with the PS3 and the In game XMB (custom soundtracks and in game messaging) and Dual Shock 3 is on its way in 08 so the PS3 multiplats will be equal or maybe even better. I must admit games get delayed to much on the PS3 and that is really annoying.
The Price
This is one of the most non-sensical things I have ever heard. Lemmings complain the ps3 is too expensive but let me work the math for them.
40gb PS3=$399
20gb 360=$349 BUT you still need $100 dollars for wireless and $180 for HD DVD PLAYER and $60 for Xbox LIVE so all you need to pay for all these things which the PS3 has right out of the box. So in total your xbox 360 costs....a massive $690.
Isn't the ps3 WAY more cheap?
Now a lot of people will tell you that PS3 graphics aren't as smooth as the 360's, but I researched this and the reason for this is the devs aren't used to programming games for PS3 yet. Do not forget it is a year younger than 360. However anyone who has played Uncharted or Heavenly Sword will testify to the graphical brilliance the PS3 can produce, and it is only a matter of time before multiplats will start looking equally as good, if not better on PS3, negating the whole "360 GFX >>>> PS3 FTW!" argument.
Other (for want of a better word)
- Less than 1% of PS3's are defective, 33% of Xbox 360's are defective. Do you really want to buy a console knowing that every one in three will stop working?
- PS3 is a Blu-Ray player, which cost something like $600
- PS3 is Folding @home capable, Linux capable, 3rd party Blue-tooth (keyboards, headsets) capable, and WiFi capable
- PS3 uses Dolby TrueHD, 360 does not.
- PSN is free online with dedicated servers (Xbox LIVE may be better but again give it time to grow.)
- PS3 controller can be charged via the console, 360 controllers require change of batteries each time and hey it cost money.
- PS3 games are Blu-Ray media, holding about 50GB worth of game information, making for some kick-ass lengthy RPG's (enter FFXIII) and quality, uncompressed audio. 360 games are Dual Layered DVDs holding a maximum of 9GB.
- PS3 uses HDMI 1.3, 360 uses HDMI 1.2
So please answer my question : Why does the PS3 recieves so much hate?
I took some info from 'Playstation 3: A defense'.
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