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RE:CV SFIII:Third Strike Powerstone 1&2 Soul Calibur MVC 1&2 Shenmue 1&2 Crazy Taxi 1&2 Jet Grind Radio Sonic Adventure 1&2 Skies of Arcadia Phantasy Star Onlinenotforkids
Nope quake 3 arena pc vs dreamcast users was the ****
or dreamcast unreal tournament kicked ass online.
it had about 40 exclusive dreamcast only maps i miss playing online on those.
never tried dreamcast but ive played some of its games like soul calibre and MvC2 on 360, nothing special about those game. also tried sonic adventure, its as bad as that 2006 sonic.
Fact: Dreamcast is a failed hardware.
Why must we continue the shenanigans?
nope, the consumer failed the hardware didnt.
never tried dreamcast but ive played some of its games like soul calibre and MvC2 on 360, nothing special about those game. also tried sonic adventure, its as bad as that 2006 sonic.
soul calibur is epic... but it was moreso at that time... back in 99' it was so far beyond graphically and gameplay wise (for a fighting game) ppl couldn't believe it.
Fact: Dreamcast is a failed hardware.
Why must we continue the shenanigans?
nope, the consumer failed the hardware didnt.
Opinions are fun :D
IMO, I think it deserved what it got for not realizing you need two things to be considered a great console... it had the hardware.... but most people didnt like the games. :(
Facts to back up my opinion you say? PS2... 140 million units sold and counting.
I'm sure they all just wanted a DVD player right? :P
But Sega made their own sports games to combat EA's and they were recieved quite equally. Several reports indicate that piracy might have even helped boost Dreamcast sales. And yes the PS2 was a major contributor to their downfall.Amazing console at the time. It started off well but the lack of EA support, rampant piracy and the launch of the ps2 killed it. Such a shame that it put sega out of the console business.
I think that it was brand loyalty that made the Dreamcast fail. Throughout the 90's Sega released hardware after hardware and then abandoned them almost immediately. The Playstation dominated during these times and had many fans, so the anticipation of this amazing successor to the PS1 drove away many many potential Dreamcast consumers.
ew sports games, casual asshats ftw power stone 2 > footballnotforkidsNFL 2K (9.9) > Power Stone 2 (8.0) I have both, and I still agree with those scores.
It's too bad dreamcast failed, because it had such a killer direction. GREAT multiplayer games in the N64 vein, the BEST console for 2D fighters(even to this day), amazing rpgs, and a plethora of innovative games for both core and casual gamers. This system, and I should mention the Gamecube as well, should have been huge. Such great consoles--too bad the hype of other consoles kept them from being all they could have been.
One thing I appreciate about the Dreamcast is its VGA-out. Get a cheap projector that does the dreamcasts resolution, natively, and the visuals really do stand out more than the PS2s. I'm still debating to pick up the Component cable for gamecube(should have when they were available)--so I can have both the dreamcast/gamecube set up in an arcade type fashion.
to bad pretty much every single game on that list can be played, often in a much better from, on other systems.
oh and the controller was a pos, only had one stick and the one it did have suck ***, not to mention the horrid controller cord.
This has little to do with anything, but holy hell, Sonic Adventure 1 is available to download on the Xbox 360. (for money, of course.)
That only shows how good it was.[QUOTE="Arach666"][QUOTE="SPYDER0416"]
How is it possible Dreamcast fans still exist so long after its demise?
The PS2 is still in production.
That tells you how good that was.
Popular isn´t always a sinonym of quality.
And I fail to see how that proves the Dreamcast to be less great,it just lost to the PS2 simply because of the Playstation name and the fact that it had dvd,not because of the quality(or lack of)games the sony console had at the time of the DC demise.
[QUOTE="Arach666"] That only shows how good it was.Arach666
The PS2 is still in production.
That tells you how good that was.
Popular isn´t always a sinonym of quality.
And I fail to see how that proves the Dreamcast to be less great,it just lost to the PS2 simply because of the Playstation name and the fact that it had dvd,not because of the quality(or lack of)games the sony console had at the time of the DC demise.
That's what I always say about the Platstation 2. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who didn't think it was that great compared to it's competition if you already had a DVD player/drive.
The PS2 is still in production.
That tells you how good that was.
Popular isn´t always a sinonym of quality.
And I fail to see how that proves the Dreamcast to be less great,it just lost to the PS2 simply because of the Playstation name and the fact that it had dvd,not because of the quality(or lack of)games the sony console had at the time of the DC demise.
That's what I always say about the Platstation 2. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who didn't think it was that great compared to it's competition if you already had a DVD player/drive.
When comparing systems, especially legacy systems, most here look at the library of games to determine which was the best... and that's why most would agree the PS2 was the best console last gen, and one of the best ever.
The PS2 is still in production.
That tells you how good that was.
Popular isn´t always a sinonym of quality.
And I fail to see how that proves the Dreamcast to be less great,it just lost to the PS2 simply because of the Playstation name and the fact that it had dvd,not because of the quality(or lack of)games the sony console had at the time of the DC demise.
That's what I always say about the Platstation 2. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who didn't think it was that great compared to it's competition if you already had a DVD player/drive.
You aren't the only one. It was the least impressive console of last gen. It wasn't terrible, but it was just FILLED with mediocre games. Even a lot of the games people considered "great", I thought were barely okay. For example, NONE of the Final Fantasy games were impressive imo. Sure it had a ton of games, but the only must-own games on the console were Metal Gear 3 and at least one of the Gran Turismos. And unlike this gen, the xboxs racers were just as good, if not better.
RE:CV SFIII:Third Strike Powerstone 1&2 Soul Calibur MVC 1&2 Shenmue 1&2 Crazy Taxi 1&2 Jet Grind Radio Sonic Adventure 1&2 Skies of Arcadia Phantasy Star OnlinenotforkidsCrazy taxi ? Seriously? And why is Soul Calibur getting all the glory? Soul Edge came out before that for the ps1 and started the series. That list is pretty short and even the wii has surpassed the DC by now in the amount of quality games.
[QUOTE="notforkids"]RE:CV SFIII:Third Strike Powerstone 1&2 Soul Calibur MVC 1&2 Shenmue 1&2 Crazy Taxi 1&2 Jet Grind Radio Sonic Adventure 1&2 Skies of Arcadia Phantasy Star Onlinelucky_starCrazy taxi ? Seriously? And why is Soul Calibur getting all the glory? Soul Edge came out before that for the ps1 and started the series. That list is pretty short and even the wii has surpassed the DC by now in the amount of quality games.
The original Tekken came out for the PSX, but when you think of Tekken on Playstation, you think of either 2 or 3 in the series. Same goes for Soul Calibur. People bring that up in regards to the Dreamcast because it was a revolutionary home conversion of a fighting game.
Another reason I think there are a lot of "retro" fans of the system--fans that originally didn't purchase it and are relatively new to gaming--is because of its lack of FPS games. I guess the lousy one-stick controller was good for something.
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