Not equivalent in production values maybe but that doesn't mean they aren't equally if not better games.
I know why you made this thread, i bet you enjoyed a lot of those console downloadable games more than some retail ones. As to why they are discredited, you could ask the same question to people who think that 2D games are inferior to 3D games. Short answer is that their perspective has just ben influenced to react that way (ex. 3D high budget games will always be far more relevant than short, downloadable games.).
I think that you should just trust your value foremost, people seem to fail to do this and focus on what other people say foremost. Gaming is a personal experience, you shouldn't give a sh*t. Lower standards, etc., all of that is meaningless. Shadowmoses suprisingly nailed it, i'm shocked to see a post of his that i fully agree with.
They were more a mix of PC and console games but yeah, I think its a shame quality is being dismissed due to lack of production value and "simple" gameplay mechanics. But yeah, I myself will continue to enjoy all games. Games like Castle Crashers, Bit Trip, World of Goo, Night Sky, Cave Story, Meat Boy etc are all great games worth recognizing.
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