Now I know that exclusives can be good for a console, but it can also be bad for gaming at large, here's why;
1, fanboys: without exclusives, they would all be gone. Nothing to argue about anymore:P
2. They don't let everyone in on the fun: I sometimes find myself wondering what uncharted would be like if I could afford the PS3. I might never know, unless the price drops hugely. Just imagine a world where anybody could buy Crisis or Halo 3 or Heavenly Sword. Nice, huh?
3. They don't let you compare systems: this may sound a little hypocritical of #1, but how will we ever know what system is more powerful than the other if we can't compare the games on it?
4. The controll scheme comparison: This mostly applies to the wii, but just imagine how cool it would be to see what Assassin's creed would be like on the wii? Two words: Hidden Wiimote.
5. It's costing the Devs money: How would you like it if Ubisoft had never went cross platform and stayed the path that so many others did? Just imagine that they only made games for the PS2 or 3, but those systems didn't have the right fanbase for that genre, the game flopped, and the company went out of business. Alternatively, Imagine if they made it for Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft. The game would still fop on the PS3 and perhaps Wii, but would flourish on the 360 and pc, thereby keeping the company in business.
What do all of you think about exclusives? Should devs stay the current way, only helping a certain company, or should all games be on all systems, thereby insuring that everybody has a good time and everybody is benefited. I think that Bethesda Softworks and Capcom are getting the right idea and carving forth a bright and sunny future for the business at large.
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