Here are now some numbers of how great RPG's sell on xbox
Game Japan America Others Total
Star Wars: Knights of the Republic 1 0.00 1.46 0.49 1.95
Star Wars: Knights of the Republic 2 0.00 0.86 0.34 1.20
Oblivion 0.00 1.06 0.57 1.63
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 0.00 1.36 0.47 1.83
Fable 0.00 1.95 0.65 2.60
See now, even the unknown games enjoy a HUGE number of sales, imagine what FF13 will do
Also Blue dragon move about 100.000 consoles Japan, so i expect FF13 would move more than 500.000 combined with games
like Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Cry On, Infnite Undiscovery, Circle of Doom that will already be out
why would they buy a 360 for FF if they can already play it on their PS3?
You mean that the 20 million 360 users will all have a PS3 too ???
BTW 360 version would have amazing vivid colors (not washed out), and 2x the texture resolution, i would definatly only buy the 360 one
i meant the people in japan. and where did u get 20 million? i thought it was 10
Well, it is about 12 i guess NOW, FF13 will release sometime late 2008, so would be 20+ million And yes, FF13 would have 2x better graphics on 360, that is a given, all games do
wow, just wow, you sir win the award for blind fanboy of the year. Why do you want FF so much, I thought Lems was happy with Mass Effect. Guess you guys don't lilke it as much as you put on, otherwise, Lems wouldn't care about final fantasy. And LOL at "2x better graphics" In case you've been sleeping under a rock with your fanboy goggles on, heres what you missed. PS3 has many multiplats that're graphically better on PS3. Like FNR3, NFSC, NBA2K7, Tiger Woods 07, Ridge Racer, and Oblivion. Just so you know, PS3 will soon have all the best multiplats because devs are making PS3 version first, then port to 360. Just stop it with your 360 fetish, its getting annoying. Since 360 has a crappy line up coming, you're stitting here making threads about your wet-dreams of having FF on 360. Keep Dreaming. LOL, hey, its not a total loss, you still get the MMO Final Fantasy. And LOL at you thinking FF would sell well on 360. 360 has next to no RPG fanbase, and the RPG fanbase it does have likes Western RPGs not Japanese RPGs, so that throws your little theory in the garbage. Have fun posting 360-loving-non-sense.
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