Purely speculation on my part, but it seems like a combination of:
- Mis- or under-managed developers
- Completely misguided executives that listen too much to sales and marketing, and not enough to gamers
- A general lack of maturity when it comes to work ethic.
Just to use the most deserving whipping boy of late, Electronic Arts, I think if you just look at this publisher and Bioware you can see the above traits have led to a series of poor games.
I feel like the days of Will Wright, John Carmack, Warren Spector, and other notable developers are over, and now we getting games from people that grew up playing games from the pioneers. So instead of getting fresh concepts and original games, we get games from people who are simply trying to be like their hero without doing their own thing. It's why we get so many reboots, spinoffs, and 7th, 8th, 20th installments in a series that should have ended after the third game.
Instead of saying "You know what, Mass Effect 1-3 did really well. I am happy how those games turned out. Let's move on to the next thing" we get "What do you guys want to make? No ideas? Well shit, I guess we will make another Mass Effect *shrug*"
I truly think that, deep down, most gamers don't really care about huge development budgets, celebrity voice actors, and cool-looking shit. We all just want great gameplay and to have fun. Sick of "games as a service", sick of always-online, sick of there always having to be a multiplayer, tired of them always going for the "epic fantasy" or "space opera" or some other crazy concept.
Just give us some down-to-earth games. Make some good sandbox games we can play for hundreds of hours. Make some single-player games with good production values, but are over in 20-30 hours and only cost 30 bucks. Take more risks.
@joebones5000 said:
Budgets are too big and quality control too little.
Yeah, I think they got into the business to be a rockstar or because they love gaming, not realizing the hard work it takes.
@vagrantsnow said:
Publishers trying to push games they want players to want instead of games that players actually want.
Well said!
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