i am not a ps3 fanboy or any thing but i just wanted to say why i chose the ps3
well fisst of all is that which ever console i chose it will have to be imported and so if it brakes i am basicly screwed
so the red ring of death was relly a big threat for me and the ps3 had low melfunction rates.
secondly the last time i checked the ps3 only used 30% of it procecing power while the 360 used 70% (not sure if there are right)
but my point was that the 360 does not have much to impove on while the ps3 could still offer even better game.
too bad for me that i over looked the importance of ram, how easy it is to code games and muilty threads which are the ps3 main bottle neck making them almost the same in game prosesing (well at least for now). so now for my concusion i still think the ps3 is a good chosie for me but for thouse who are luck to live i a place wher you can use a warrenty if you get rrod
you should buy a 360 and allow the 360s games to abuse the 360 hardware. cause when you get the rrod you also get a brand new 360 with it!
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