Why do I think the PS3 is the best console to buy? Even though it's the most expensive console, I think its more of a bargain if you ask me. It has a variety of games for every gamer, and Casual gamer to play, and enjoy.
The PS3 has games coming out in the near future with games in each genre, such as Role-Playing, Action-Adventure, Platformer, First-Person Shooters, Stealth, Third Person Shooters, ect.... Now you may ask me to back this claim with a list of games announced. So heres a list of games that are coming to the PS3 exclusively.
- Metal Gear Solid 4 (Stealth)- 2008
- Lair (Action-Adventure)- 2007
- Heavenly Sword (Action Adventure)- 2007
- Gran Turismo 5 (Racing Simulator)- 2008 or 2009
- Infamous (Action Adventure)- TBA
- Killzone 2 (First-Person Shooters)- 2008
- Final Fantasy XIII (RPG)- 2008 or 2009
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII(RPG)- 2008 or 2009
- Ratchet and Clank Future: tools Of Destruction (Platformer)- 2007
- Forklore (Action Adventure)- TBA
- White Knight Story (RPG)- TBA
- Silent Hill 5 (Horror) - TBA
- The Agency (Online RPG) - TBA
- Uncharted Drakes Fortune (Action Adventure) - 2007
PSN Titles:
- LittleBigPlanet (Platformer) - 2008
- PAIN ( Action) - TBA
- Socom: Confrontation (Third Person Shooters) - 2007
- WarHawk (Sci-Fi Shooter) - 2007
- EchoChrome (platformer) - TBA
With the agreement with NCsoft for future games exclusively for PSN.
MultiPlatform Games *NOTE* some of these games listed are the lead platform for the PS3:
- Haze (Sci-Fi First Person Shooter) - 2007
- Unreal Tournament (Sci-Fi First Person Shooter) - 2007
- Devil May Cry 4 (Action Adventure) - 2007 or 2008
- Grand Theft Auto 4 (Action Adventure) - 2007
- Assassins Creed (Stealth) - 2007
- Army of Two (First person Shooters) - 2007 or 2008
- Sports games such as Madden, NBA, NHL, and MLB
With that, Sony has an agreement with Epic, and Midway, paving the way for better PS3 content from these developers, and it shos developer support for this platform.
As you can see, the PS3 has some games on different genres, distrbuting differnet kind of games along the way. The Exclusive games have different time tables, Every month, evey year, you have a new game that keeps you busy until a new title comes out, PS3 owners will not be completely bored with there console in the future.
With the Games is the Extra's that come with the PS3, including Online Gameplay, Ability for downloads, Music, Videos, Web Browswe, and Blu-Ray. With the $600 console, you get more for what you pay.
Blu-Ray may not be the standord for DVD's, it has outsold its competitor HD-DVD, with much support from the movie bussiness such as Sony Pictures, Wall Disney, Twenith Century Fox, this gives Blu-Ray more movies for consumers to buy,
Online Gameplay is the most popular part of many games, such as Socom for the Playstation franchise. Many Games support this medium, and more owners are happy with the ability of playing against people from acroos the continent, and Globe.
Music is very popular in America, and across the world, and with the ability to play music with this console, you can enjoy some free time while not playing games to listen to music, or watch some of your favorite videos.
the web Broswer is a very neat feature, while only one other competitor (Nintendo) has he feature, you have to pay for the feature to be able to access it, while Sony has it for Free. So if you have no computer, or the computer is occupied, you can just turn on your PS3 and search the web.
While you may say that these features are not needed, and this is a gaming console, you guys have features on your respective consoles that you enjoy, and really aren't needed either, Plus, whats wrong with enjoying these features?
While the PS3 may not sell well, or may not win this console war, Sony has shown off there muscle of game coming out in the near future, Games is the most important factor for a console, and Sony sure has come out with a variety of games coming out.
I gotta get my flame sheild, here comes the bashing!
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