A lot of times i see people bash games for its lenght. And then there are reviews of games getting docked points because its to short. Why do so many people complain about this? Yea your paying $60 dollars for these games but i ask you this, would you rather have a short game with an awesome single player, or a long game that is boring and just feels like everything was added in just to make it longer? It is not about how long the game is, it is about the quality of the game and the kind of experience you have with it. IMO at least.
I recently got COD4 and beat it in about 6-7 hours. And honestly, the experience i had with that single player makes me feel i got my $60 dollars worth. And then of coarse there is the multiplayer but im just talking about the single player. Same goes for hevenly sword or God of War.
Think of it this way, you pay about 7-9 dollars to see a movie thats going to last on average of 90 min. And lets say it was the greatest movie you've ever seen. Your gonna feel like you got your $7 dollars worth because its about the EXPERIENCE you have with it. Not about how long it is. At least, imo.
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