now i am a proud xbox 360 owner and i think it is the best thing ever!!!
now i just want to know what is so speacial about a ps3 why should i think that it is better than a 360?
and should i ever swich to a ps3?
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now i am a proud xbox 360 owner and i think it is the best thing ever!!!
now i just want to know what is so speacial about a ps3 why should i think that it is better than a 360?
and should i ever swich to a ps3?
Free online, built in wifi, some good games are coming out for it. I wouldn't say sell your 360 to get one, or completely switch over, just save up and pray that it gets a price drop.
Expect to see long lists of what the PS3 has that most people don't need on their console to begin with (depending if lolfaqs is on). As for switching over to a PS3 you should just save up so you don't regret getting rid of one console for another, and if your friends have a PS3 then I recommend getting one whenever you find it a reasonable price.
The only thing the PS3 has over the XBox 360 is Blu-Ray, Free Online and some decent exclusives. That's about it. Anything else it has is not needed or doesn't effect the enjoyment of playing your games. The Xbox 360 is much cheaper and has more quality games overall. It also has a larger userbase, especially in the U.S. So you'll have more people to play online i am a proud xbox 360 owner and i think it is the best thing ever!!!
now i just want to know what is so speacial about a ps3 why should i think that it is better than a 360?
and should i ever swich to a ps3?
i already have wi fi and i would pay 50 dolers a year to be apart of a great online comunity and i hear that the ps3 has well not good online play is that true?Free online, built in wifi, some good games are coming out for it. I wouldn't say sell your 360 to get one, or completely switch over, just save up and pray that it gets a price drop.
[QUOTE="Legendaryscmt"]i already have wi fi and i would pay 50 dolers a year to be apart of a great online comunity and i hear that the ps3 has well not good online play is that true? Playing PS3 games online is fine.Free online, built in wifi, some good games are coming out for it. I wouldn't say sell your 360 to get one, or completely switch over, just save up and pray that it gets a price drop.
pc is better, basically kids just console i am a proud xbox 360 owner and i think it is the best thing ever!!!
now i just want to know what is so speacial about a ps3 why should i think that it is better than a 360?
and should i ever swich to a ps3?
You think the 360 is the best thing ever and then you ask if you should ever switch to the ps3? Somethings wrong here:P Anyway, the answer lies in the exclusives imo. Ask yourself if you want to miss out on them or not. killerfist
I agree with this, exclusives were the reason I chose the PS3, and do not want a 360 (well... maybe a little:))
i already have wi fi and i would pay 50 dolers a year to be apart of a great online comunity and i hear that the ps3 has well not good online play is that true? Playing PS3 games online is fine.[QUOTE="duvalbosnian"][QUOTE="Legendaryscmt"]
Free online, built in wifi, some good games are coming out for it. I wouldn't say sell your 360 to get one, or completely switch over, just save up and pray that it gets a price drop.
Oh no. It's not a bad thing at all. It just that a lot of people do not have a headset. Some people would say that's a good thing especially when they're talking about Xbox 360 games like Halo 3, and Gears of War 2. But when it comes to playing in more friendly communities(especially with cooperative games) like in Skate 2, NHL 09, etc. You'll notice that having headset is just fun. I had a Xbox 360 prior to getting a PS3 so I'm use to always using a headset. I bought LBP a few days after getting the PS3. Surprisingly not even the people on my friends list had a headset to play with me. You can enter several full 32 player games of Warhawk and be the only person with a mic.
That is my one and "only" complaint with the PS3..everything else is awesome. But the headset problem is a reason why I got RE5 on the Xbox 360 rather then the PS3.
if you love your 360 so much then i wudnt advise you to switch. if the PS3 exclusive games interest you then save up and hope for a price drop. personally i prefer the PS3 exclusives.
Free online with all the same features as xlive since the 2.7 update, HD movie player, WiFI built in, rechargeable controllers, auto discdrive, Bluray unscratchable discs, never fails, web browser, can install any brand HDD up to 500gb for $120, and it has tons of great exclusives.
exclusive my ass, what's so special about PS3 , we have your precious 110% not gonna go to 360 FF XIII, Gears of war II, Fable II, much much more.
What's the much much more? Both are pretty damn equal in games library quality so what are you talking about?
360 and PS3 are both awesome.
I see research isn't your kind-of thing or ignorance, one or the other ;).360 has no games. ps3 does
it's an illusion created by cows and the creator of PS3.
It's an illusion that the PS3 uses unscratchable Bluray discs and plays HD movies and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has an auto discdrive and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has a web browser and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses rechargeable controllers and the 360 doesn't. That the PS3 has built in WiFi and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses any brand HDD to 500gb for $120 and the 360 only goes to 160gb and it must be MSs HDD? The PS3 has free online that's equal to Xlivewith unlimited IDs and the 360 charges $50 yr per ID?
Name 1 thing the 360 can do that the PS3 can't besides play the 360 exclusive games? You can't, notta!
it's an illusion created by cows and the creator of PS3.
It's an illusion that the PS3 uses unscratchable Bluray discs and plays HD movies and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has an auto discdrive and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has a web browser and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses rechargeable controllers and the 360 doesn't. That the PS3 has built in WiFi and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses any brand HDD to 500gb for $120 and the 360 only goes to 160gb and it must be MSs HDD? The PS3 has free online that's equal to Xlivewith unlimited IDs and the 360 charges $50 yr per ID?
Name 1 thing the 360 can do that the PS3 can't besides play the 360 exclusive games? You can't, notta!
Take your Riddelin dude, he wasn't talking about the features being an illusion just how cows go on about the Sony owning in the graphics department (which is a fabrication).True, and don't forget about exclusive game crap. We have FF XIII, gears of war, halo. We are the champions no time for losers.
FF Vs XIII, Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank: ToD, Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time, Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty, MGS4, Killzone 2, White Knight Story, Valkyria Chronicles, Gran Turismo 5, Gran Turismo: Prologue, Heavly Sword, The Agency (PC/PS3), Resistance, Resistance 2, Warhawk, Infamous, God of War III, Heavy Rain, MAG.
That's just all I could be bothered to type.
Both have some fantastic exclusives
God of war III ?
well Xbox 360 have gears of war 3, gears of war 4, gears of war 5.
They were actually off the top of my head, if I wanted to research I could find more.
Gears of War and God of War aren't similar games.
360 has great games, but thinking PS3 has none is just ignorant.
[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]the ps3 cost more and play movies, people only buy them because they think it will bring them social status. lundy86_4
Social status?
how else could fans of the last place horse poopoo their betters, pure snobbery[QUOTE="lundy86_4"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]the ps3 cost more and play movies, people only buy them because they think it will bring them social status. surrealnumber5
Social status?
how else could fans of the last place horse poopoo their betters, pure snobberyHmm, I only own mine for gaming, so I guess I wouldn't know :P
it's an illusion created by cows and the creator of PS3.
It's an illusion that the PS3 uses unscratchable Bluray discs and plays HD movies and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has an auto discdrive and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has a web browser and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses rechargeable controllers and the 360 doesn't. That the PS3 has built in WiFi and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses any brand HDD to 500gb for $120 and the 360 only goes to 160gb and it must be MSs HDD? The PS3 has free online that's equal to Xlivewith unlimited IDs and the 360 charges $50 yr per ID?
Name 1 thing the 360 can do that the PS3 can't besides play the 360 exclusive games? You can't, notta!
the 360 also has rechargeable controlers[QUOTE="Holy_Xbox"]
it's an illusion created by cows and the creator of PS3.
It's an illusion that the PS3 uses unscratchable Bluray discs and plays HD movies and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has an auto discdrive and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has a web browser and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses rechargeable controllers and the 360 doesn't. That the PS3 has built in WiFi and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses any brand HDD to 500gb for $120 and the 360 only goes to 160gb and it must be MSs HDD? The PS3 has free online that's equal to Xlivewith unlimited IDs and the 360 charges $50 yr per ID?
Name 1 thing the 360 can do that the PS3 can't besides play the 360 exclusive games? You can't, notta!
Maybe the creator Xbox 360 didn't mind secondary features and set their mind on the important thing, GOOD GAMES and GOOD exclusive games not crappy exclusives.[QUOTE="patriots7672"][QUOTE="Holy_Xbox"]
it's an illusion created by cows and the creator of PS3.
It's an illusion that the PS3 uses unscratchable Bluray discs and plays HD movies and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has an auto discdrive and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 has a web browser and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses rechargeable controllers and the 360 doesn't. That the PS3 has built in WiFi and the 360 doesn't? That the PS3 uses any brand HDD to 500gb for $120 and the 360 only goes to 160gb and it must be MSs HDD? The PS3 has free online that's equal to Xlivewith unlimited IDs and the 360 charges $50 yr per ID?
Name 1 thing the 360 can do that the PS3 can't besides play the 360 exclusive games? You can't, notta!
Maybe the creator Xbox 360 didn't mind secondary features and set their mind on the important thing, GOOD GAMES and GOOD exclusive games not crappy exclusives.Lol I think you need to leave for being severely under-informed.
Expect to see long lists of what the PS3 has that most people don't need on their console to begin with (depending if lolfaqs is on). As for switching over to a PS3 you should just save up so you don't regret getting rid of one console for another, and if your friends have a PS3 then I recommend getting one whenever you find it a reasonable price.
Bla Bla Bla, so what if Some people don't need some of the features that the PS3 has, thats all I hear, tell me whats wrong with having them? 20 mil people have the PS3, so it cant say added cost!
[QUOTE="duvalbosnian"]pc is better, basically kids just console game. You are acting like a kid, PC is not a game console you need to built i am a proud xbox 360 owner and i think it is the best thing ever!!!
now i just want to know what is so speacial about a ps3 why should i think that it is better than a 360?
and should i ever swich to a ps3?
[QUOTE="crysisisurgod"][QUOTE="duvalbosnian"]pc is better, basically kids just console game. You are acting like a kid, PC is not a game console you need to built i am a proud xbox 360 owner and i think it is the best thing ever!!!
now i just want to know what is so speacial about a ps3 why should i think that it is better than a 360?
and should i ever swich to a ps3?
You are right about him, but you could just buy a gaming PC. More expensive than building, but just as accessible as a console.
Expect to see long lists of what the PS3 has that most people don't need on their console to begin with (depending if lolfaqs is on). As for switching over to a PS3 you should just save up so you don't regret getting rid of one console for another, and if your friends have a PS3 then I recommend getting one whenever you find it a reasonable price.
Bla Bla Bla, so what if Some people don't need some of the features that the PS3 has, thats all I hear, tell me whats wrong with having them? 20 mil people have the PS3, so it cant say added cost!
lol yea sure let's compare that to the 80 million (approx.) who don't own one...ahhh there's the reason I said most. Let's get one thing straight I never said it was "wrong" to have those features to begin with (sales-wise yes atm), it's just apparent that most people don't want or really need the stuff added on a PS3 (atm) so it gets annoying when people on here give a full list of what the PS3 while most of the extraslisteddon't have to do withhow you game.PS3: blu-ray, free online 360: superior games Both are good but yeah this what it comes down to really.umcommonThe PS3 have a lot more features than the 360:
1. Blue Ray
2. More disc space for bigger games
3. More powerful CPU
4. Browser
5. Free online
6. Changeable HardDrive
7. Can use USB storage devices and any Keyboard
8. Controllers came with integrated charging battery's
9. No Red Ring of Death
10. Built in Wi-Fi
11. Better Controller Dpad
Expect to see long lists of what the PS3 has that most people don't need on their console to begin with (depending if lolfaqs is on). As for switching over to a PS3 you should just save up so you don't regret getting rid of one console for another, and if your friends have a PS3 then I recommend getting one whenever you find it a reasonable price.
Bla Bla Bla, so what if Some people don't need some of the features that the PS3 has, thats all I hear, tell me whats wrong with having them? 20 mil people have the PS3, so it cant say added cost!
lol yea sure let's compare that to the 80 million (approx.) who don't own one...ahhh there's the reason I said most. Let's get one thing straight I never said it was "wrong" to have those features to begin with (sales-wise yes atm), it's just apparent that most people don't want or really need the stuff added on a PS3 (atm) so it gets annoying when people on here give a full list of what the PS3 while most of the extraslisteddon't have to do withhow you game.Where have you been? last time I check the PS3.....AND the 360were more then just game systems. The added feature that the PS3 has might not help with gaming, but it helps the system with everything else it dose, for instants, I need wireless, my modem is connected to my PC in diffrernt most peoples modem!
lol yea sure let's compare that to the 80 million (approx.) who don't own one...ahhh there's the reason I said most. Let's get one thing straight I never said it was "wrong" to have those features to begin with (sales-wise yes atm), it's just apparent that most people don't want or really need the stuff added on a PS3 (atm) so it gets annoying when people on here give a full list of what the PS3 while most of the extraslisteddon't have to do withhow you game.Where have you been? last time I check the PS3.....AND the 360were more then just game systems. The added feature that the PS3 has might not help with gaming, but it helps the system with everything else it dose, for instants, I need wireless, my modem is connected to my PC in diffrernt most peoples modem!
Notice I did say most extra features aren't really needed, not all.The PS3 have a lot more features than the 360:[QUOTE="umcommon"]PS3: blu-ray, free online 360: superior games Both are good but yeah this what it comes down to really.soulreaper-4
1. Blue Ray
2. More disc space for bigger games
3. More powerful CPU
4. Browser
5. Free online
6. Changeable HardDrive
7. Can use USB storage devices and any Keyboard
8. Controllers came with integrated charging battery's
9. No Red Ring of Death
10. Built in Wi-Fi
11. Better Controller Dpad
True. I think that a PS3 is the best hardware and the best value for your money, but when it to games I'd choose an Xbox in a heart beat. MS is not only a local company, but it is also familiar with the kind of games people in the US want. I mean JRPGs are not as popular in the US as the one may think.Don't get me wrong, I love my PS3. But Xbox 360 goes much better with the American play style.
The 360 is fine for the average gamer and does everything you need it to do. But the ps3 is nicer imo and is just starting to take off. I just got a ps3 and sold my 360. i played the major games on the 360 and didnt really have any more use for it. I'm a diehard sports gamer and the ps3 has some exclusives you cant play on the 360. MLb the show sold it for me. THat's where they get you.
Free online with all the same features as xlive since the 2.7 update, HD movie player, WiFI built in, rechargeable controllers, auto discdrive, Bluray unscratchable discs, never fails, web browser, can install any brand HDD up to 500gb for $120, and it has tons of great exclusives.
Psn < xbx live even after the update comes.Stop dreaming about it.Dont need movie player to enjoy games,dont need wii fii to enjoy games just get a damn wire,rechargable controllers but uncomfortable,auto disc drive wtf???,never fails:- it does fail,web browser sucks,you dont need HDD in 360 bcos of no required installs,360 still has more exclusive AA and AAA and much more if you count pc/360 only games
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