Is anyone else confused by people comparing/contrasting the Wii to the 360/PS3? The Wii is not directly competing with the PS3/360. Heck even Nintendo said that they are not next gen, they are new gen and that they are going in a different direction than PS3/360. They have admitted to not be directly competing with the PS3/360.
So why is anyone comparing them at all? I am so tired of people comparing the Wii's graphics to the PS3/360, and saying how the Wii sucks. When it is not targeted or going after the same market. It is innovative, not HD, not a multimedia device, not a conventional video game system in regards to how games are played, and not priced close to the PS3/360.
To compare the Wii to the PS3/360, makes no sense at all. Why complain and say the graphics suck, when it is going after a different market and is a completely different system. The PS3/360 is like the mustang/camero and the Wii is like the Prius. All three are cars--but the prius is going after a different market--and therefore would be unfair to compare. The mustang/camero is going after the muscle market--where the prius is innovative and going after the market of people that wants good gas milage and concerned about the enviornment.
Now this also ties into sales. Why are Wii sales even brought up and compared to the PS3/360? I am tired of hearing about these sad arguments as well. Again it is going after aDIFFERENT market and is far cheaper than the PS3/360. Wow, what a shocker, the cheaper system is selling more! No kidding! Civics sell more than mustangs, mustangs sell more than BMWs, BMWs sell more than Porsche, Porsche sells more than Ferrari, etc.
It would be highly unfair to compare the Civics sales to the Ferraris sales. They are completely different cars going after completly different markets. The Civic is priced cheap and is a fuel friendly car. The Ferrari is uber expensive and is a car enthusiasts dream. Last time I checked--I have yet to stroll through a ferrari forum and hear from a Civic owner how it crushed Ferrari in sales and therefore Ferraris suck. It is beyond archaic to compare the two--just like the Wii with the PS3/360.
It is obvious that the Wii should not be compared in terms of graphic bashing threads or Sales posting threads. It is a DIFFERENT system going after a DIFFERENT market--and therefore should not be compared. I understand that this is the first time in gaming history where a console maker has gone into a different direction--and most are used to the SNES/Genisis, PS/64/Saturn, PS2/Dreamcast/xbox/gamecube days of comparing consoles, but things have changed.
So I ask us to use a little common sense (and I know this is a rareity in systems wars), but all I am asking for is a little common sense and stop with these graphics bashing or sales promoting threads. What do you guys think?
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