@oflow said:
You have never bought a CoD, BF or sports game? Thats the bubble mentality that dominates this forum in a nutshell which kinda shows how out of touch you are not the other way around.
If not being a sucker is being "out of touch" then call me Ebenezer Scrooge and drive me back to my mansion, because I'd rather be out of touch than be played.
Not to mention you talk about using CD keys then wonder why devs are doing things to try and supplement their income?
I could ALSO be pirating their games you know? and then that way they get absolutely nothing from me. But at least with CD keys they can get revenue from me (be it partial). And just so that you don't get things twisted, you should understand that I do it in response to their practices, its not the other way around, if they want me to stop then they should stop first and earn my trust again. For starters, give me a complete game and NOT shave off the rest intentionally and lie to my face about it when confronted with the subject in the media, otherwise do not charge me full price for it, and if you don't want to do that then do not expect me to support you, I think thats a very reasonable demand.
@xxyetixx said:
@Dark_sageX: First and foremost children shouldn't be buying anything online in games. If they are that is just poor parenting.
I'm not saying parent's shouldn't take responsibility, but do you think this excuses unethical practice by publishers and developers? they KNOW there are parents out there who don't watch their kids and targets those kids with the sole intention of exploiting their immaturity. You can't tell me that ONLY parents are to blame, you should give developers agency as well.
2nd weak/dumb people have been getting taken advantage of for centuries, ever hear of the lottery. You're gonna be really hard pressed to tell me anything about microtransactions are addicting or related to gambling the evidence is just not there.
Ah, the good ol "Others do it so why can't I do it to" argument, well people have been maimed, raped, crucified, mutilated, humiliated and castrated for centuries as well, guess its OK for devs to do that to?
and paid loot crates IS gambling. The core principle of gambling is that you invest in chance/probability, meaning whatever you invest will not guarantee to give you the out come you want, and when personal currency is being used to initiate this chance/probability then its gambling, even if its in a video game.
Everything you can acquire in microtransactions brings nothing relevant to the game. A lot of the microtransactions and everything going on now was to combat the people that would sit on their computer level up a character then sell that account to the same dumb people for $100's online. Now those people can do that straight from the game.
This is new to me, there are people that BUY accounts? well aside from how pathetic it is, how does selling an account affect the developers exactly? and how is micro-transaction an appropriate response? last I checked people selling accounts doesn't happen so frequently that it warrants this kind of mass response from developers (especially on consoles).
To sit here and whine about a practice and call them unethical when most games revolve around killing, stealing, whether for good or bad reasons is a bit misguided. Maybe a new hobby is in order ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know you think you are being clever but really you are just stringing a bunch of words together and thought you had something of weight to say when its all just hot air...
I've bought plenty of DLC, pre ordered games that have pre order bonus, and I've open plenty of loot crates, but with the loot crates I've never spent a dime of real money and no one ever has to. Your restraint and willingness to purchase in game nonsense is not the responsibility of a company it's the responsibility of yourself, or your responsibility to your children.
But you KNOW that those contents have been intentionally separated and the prices jacked up to an unreasonable amount for additional profit right? because if you did know then perhaps you can answer my original question, which was: "why can't you resist despite being aware of how unethical the practices are?"
You literally sound like a crackhead crying, it ain't me, it's just that this crack is so good, I can't help it. Uh yeah you can, it'll be alright
I think I made it clear that I don't support developers who make these practices and I have specifically said I don't give them the money they demand, so how am I the "crackhead"?
@Black96Z said:
This is why they wont go away.
Dear lord....
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