@Shewgenja said:
@shawn30 said:
@Shewgenja said:
The perpetuation of the notion that we need competition is just a front for justifying XBox fanboyism.
lol, how stupid are you? really? There is no industry where competition does not benefit consumers. None. Zero. Monopoly create complacency and stunt growth. Competition means both companies are fighting to keep the money people have invested in them, thus benefiting their customers, and attempt to draw in new customers by offering new and exciting things. That's good for all gamers. I may not want a PS4 or think its anything special at all, but I want it to continue to do well and for Sony to survive this mountain of debt they have. By doing well it will force my console brand of choice, MS, to do more to keep my money. I win. You win. We all win.
The nerve of you mentioning fanboyism is startlingly ironic considering you are a massive PS fanboy with nothing ever remotely reasonable to say about anything non-Sony.
Putting words in my mouth. Perhaps you should go back and actually read the post. Turn down the volume on the "Shewgenja made a post that doesn't like XBox! MAN THE BATTLE STATIONS" knee-jerk reactionary fanboyism and try to understand what is being said before commenting.
Kingtito managed to understand.
Of course, you will need to deal with the uncomfortable reality that you will need to state a case for Microsoft playing the good-guy card in some other generation rather than the typical blanket defense for the sake of all things XBox and XBone to even try to come at me with the fanboy card in your own right.
Your delusion is startling. The entire point of my post was in reply to your statement about competition. You simply do not want MS in gaming and hey, its your opinion and your right. But for me the competition aspect of both companies doing well spurs them on to fight tooth and nail for our money, benefiting fans of both. There is no arguing competition as a bad thing in an rational sense. If you were able to even for a second turn down your Xbox//MS hate and look at things as a gamer instead of Sony's cabana boy you might see that no matter who wins the system wars in terms of sales, the competition itself benefits us all. We've seen arrogant Sony and arrogant MS and no one wants to see that. Its amazing how you whitewash every misstep Sony has made, but when MS does its the unforgivable sin and impending doom of the One console despite it being available in only 13 countries for 2 months time.
Your arguments to the contrary are silly at best.
There is no blanket defense for everything MS has done. Far from it. MS had made a ton of errors, but this latest one is dumb, lasted 2 days in total, and ended on Jan 16, 5 days ago. Sorry, it just isn't a big deal and once they release a press release it'll be over in a few days. Its not ongoing. It won't start again cause people will report it. Big corporations do dumb shit, like Sony putting malware on their own devices years ago. People bitched them out, forced them to fess up, time passed and they released new devices... no ones really buying them, lol, but not cause of the past. Same for MS. Give them shit all day and express why what they did is wrong. I agree with that. But don't act like this is the end of the freaking world. It'll be a hot topic for week and then be over. Only your obvious Sony bias will continue to fan the flames.
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