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One word: Valve. I like Left 4 Dead, but it's very overrated. The gameplay is good, but there's no single player, no storyline, online play is only fun with friends, and even so that gets old after about four days.LittleHands134
Depends on who's playing it i suppose. I've been playing Versus for over 30 hours now and it doesn't seem to get old. Great game IMO.
One word: Valve. I like Left 4 Dead, but it's very overrated. The gameplay is good, but there's no single player, no storyline, online play is only fun with friends, and even so that gets old after about four days.LittleHands134Odd then that there is a single player selection right on the menu screen.
[QUOTE="LittleHands134"]One word: Valve. I like Left 4 Dead, but it's very overrated. The gameplay is good, but there's no single player, no storyline, online play is only fun with friends, and even so that gets old after about four days.BumFluff122Odd then that there is a single player selection right on the menu screen. One hour worth of "single player" content, with no real story line, is not legitimate single player. It's busy work.
Rofl, L4D GOTY, that would make me cry.
I have it for PC and I've played it for 25 minutes since I bought it like a month ago. Too repetetive IMO.
you didnt even finish one campaign...
FM2009 is indeed a remarkable game, and it is huge worldwide. I have friends in Asia and Europe who live and LOVE this game. I do not however, out of all of my nerd friends, save TWO (me and this one friend), know anyone who has even heard of this game. We both play it and love it. We have been loving the franchise since CM 2000.
That being said, GOTY winners always go to the big market team, AKAUSA. American made games and games that are popular here are what get the buzz. And games that spend on advertising here are more popular. Basically, the actual game has nothing to do with it, or else games like Braid (XBOX 360, look it up) would win every year.
Sorry mate and THANKS
I don't get it. Football manager has more people playing it, and is a great GAME, as opposed to being an overhyped mod. I guess SI Games should have worked harder on getting a 360 port so that they could benefit from the M$ advertising budget/virtual street teams.ANeuralPathway
If L4D is a mode then I guess that Mirror's Edge, Too Human, UT3, and Bioshock are GeoW mods, and PoP is just a Assassins Creed Mod.
left 4 dead is only good with mates. its fun for a week or 2 then i get bored and play fallout 3 again.....
[QUOTE="Jodan77"]Because Left 4 Dead is fun.yoyo462001so is football manager
I personally haven't played it, so I won't say otherwise. It seems to get very little attention, so it msut not be groundbreaking. Gamespot hasn't reviewed it, but then again if I trusted Gamespot to review things on time, I'd be let down alot.
Truthfully, there are probably a lot of games that get overlooked when choosing candidates, that's why you can't put much stock into these things, especially on the Internet.
Dude, that's a pretty big fault.People complaining about Lack of Content don't get that it's one of few faults in Left 4 Dead.Jodan77
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"][QUOTE="LittleHands134"]One word: Valve. I like Left 4 Dead, but it's very overrated. The gameplay is good, but there's no single player, no storyline, online play is only fun with friends, and even so that gets old after about four days.LittleHands134Odd then that there is a single player selection right on the menu screen. One hour worth of "single player" content, with no real story line, is not legitimate single player. It's busy work. You beat all 4 campaigns in one hour? Man, you should post that speed run, it must be a record! It's good to know that you haven't played it. At a minimum, it's 4 hours of offline content for one playthrough. It's not the best game ever, probably won't be in any GOTY runnings...but it's a damn fun game, and well worth the money for any zombie fan.
[QUOTE="Jodan77"]Dude, that's a pretty big fault.People complaining about Lack of Content don't get that it's one of few faults in Left 4 Dead.Kuruption84
Still got an 8.5 here, which Last I checked was GREAT. I've played over 100 Hours of Left 4 Dead, and have yet to beat the last campaign. I'd be crazy to say there isn't a lack of content, but everything there is golden.
i love FM to bits, but it cant be GOTY because its the same as last year (same skin) but updated and few new features. i think because of this structure it will never be able win. if it could i think only CM 03/04 and FM 07 could contest (when they got the formulas right).yoyo462001This year it has a 3D match engine.
[QUOTE="LittleHands134"][QUOTE="BumFluff122"]Odd then that there is a single player selection right on the menu screen.SteezyZOne hour worth of "single player" content, with no real story line, is not legitimate single player. It's busy work. You beat all 4 campaigns in one hour? Man, you should post that speed run, it must be a record! It's good to know that you haven't played it. At a minimum, it's 4 hours of offline content for one playthrough. It's not the best game ever, probably won't be in any GOTY runnings...but it's a damn fun game, and well worth the money for any zombie fan. Don't nitpick at a slight exaggeration. Four hours and one hour is both something you could do in less than one sitting. Also, it's not really four campaigns, it's more like four levels. A campaign implies that there's multiple levels in each one. The singleplayer is really nothing more than the online play, but with bots instead of players.
[QUOTE="yoyo462001"]i love FM to bits, but it cant be GOTY because its the same as last year (same skin) but updated and few new features. i think because of this structure it will never be able win. if it could i think only CM 03/04 and FM 07 could contest (when they got the formulas right).blue_hazy_basicThis year it has a 3D match engine.thats a good edition to the game but after that its really only a database update and a few tweaks and features.
[QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"][QUOTE="yoyo462001"]i love FM to bits, but it cant be GOTY because its the same as last year (same skin) but updated and few new features. i think because of this structure it will never be able win. if it could i think only CM 03/04 and FM 07 could contest (when they got the formulas right).yoyo462001This year it has a 3D match engine.thats a good edition to the game but after that its really only a database update and a few tweaks and features.Dude thats huge! Of course having not bought it yet (I'm i the states and my dad is bringing it over from the UK when he comes for xmas - and I always wait for the patch to make it playable lol) I can't comment completely, but thats a really massive overhaul. Plus theres alot of work that goes on behind the scenes in the match engine that might not be readily apparent.
[QUOTE="LittleHands134"][QUOTE="SteezyZ"] You beat all 4 campaigns in one hour? Man, you should post that speed run, it must be a record! It's good to know that you haven't played it. At a minimum, it's 4 hours of offline content for one playthrough. It's not the best game ever, probably won't be in any GOTY runnings...but it's a damn fun game, and well worth the money for any zombie fan.fanboy-busterDon't nitpick at a slight exaggeration. Four hours and one hour is both something you could do in less than one sitting. Also, it's not really four campaigns, it's more like four levels. A campaign implies that there's multiple levels in each one. The singleplayer is really nothing more than the online play, but with bots instead of players. There are five levels in each campaign :|
........ 8)
Left 4 Dead won some awards at the video game shows (Game Informer's best of show @ E3 08') and just last night on G4's Xplay like 30% of the staff picked Left 4 Dead as the one must have games this year.......I'm a gamer and a football fan and I've never even heard of Footbal Manager so there you go.
You mean NFL Coach or is there actually a game called Football Manager.rmerri52
Guess the US version is called "Worldwide Soccer Manager".
[QUOTE="yoyo462001"][QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"] This year it has a 3D match engine.blue_hazy_basicthats a good edition to the game but after that its really only a database update and a few tweaks and features.Dude thats huge! Of course having not bought it yet (I'm i the states and my dad is bringing it over from the UK when he comes for xmas - and I always wait for the patch to make it playable lol) I can't comment completely, but thats a really massive overhaul. Plus theres alot of work that goes on behind the scenes in the match engine that might not be readily apparent.ive played every game since CM 01/02 including FM 2009 and the 3d match engine is not as good as you might think, its alrite dont really think it adds much to the game tbh.
Hm..... Wow.... You think we are supposed to take your word for it, when you call Left 4 Dead an overhyped mod? Already your bias is confirmed and fails to amuse me. rolo107
No need to take my word for it, Steam tracks the people playing games through it. Check the stats when its evening in Europe vs evening in the US. People are already realizing that Left4Dead is 2008's Hellgate London-linear randomization isn't that random and it gets old fast.
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