Is it because it's not exclusive? So do you think it's better to hype random 10th grade cookie cutter homogenized weeaboo crap only because it's exclusive? Or even resort to hyping Godzilla?
My God, what is happening to this place!
I'm familiar with Kingdom Hearts actually, I played it a bit on PS2 and honestly it's the only game of this kind on home consoles I'm interested in. Mainly because it doesn't take itself seriously, something most weeaboo games have massive problems with because OH MY GOD YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA kind of dramatism. Moreover I absolutely love Disney characters and thirdly it has a hack n slash combat system. I can only enjoy turn based combat in Western strategy / RPG games or Japanese SRPGs but I haven't played any of those for a very long time and I've grown out of JRPGs altogether so Kingdom Hearts seem an appealing alternative.
Anyone on board the hype train?
I think I will ask for a reviewer's copy when it's out.
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