I see so many people bashing ShadowMoses on here and I never understood it, why would you hate someone that is superior in every single way? So I decided to find out first hand as to why the unnatural hatered towards the greatest person ever made, first I went around my college and asked people what they thought of it and some people said they liked others better. I was surprised to find out that these people were serious about their answer, so I asked why do they only have a ps3 and they said they like the blu ray better.
I was shocked because I never knew xbox people had parties, so I asked if I could come to one and they stared at me and said "okay", so I arrived at the party with beer and women but when I got there I only saw one guy with a headset and he was doing PARTY CHAT! I felt kind of bad for the guy because xbox players don't know what real parties are like, to them party means party chat, why do you think they talk about it all the time? My investigation was not yet over though, I later went to the mall and saw some guy buying an xbox game and I asked him why won't he buy it for PS3 and he said he didn't have the money for one.
So I asked him why not and he said he is on a fixed income, I was surprised and taken back by this. I never knew that poor people existed, I only thought they were made up because rich people such as myself never associate with those people. I didn't know what to say to the guy, so I ran outof the store. I went back home to my mansion and pondered as to why people would hate the PS3, and then it hit me. People hate it because they are jealous! PS3 is for rich and popular and cool people and the xbox people are jealous because they can't live our lifelstyle, so they want to take it from us just like communists!
It all makes sense now, the constant bashing of ShadowMoses and all that, they arn't really trying to bash the system, they are trying to bash a people and lifestyle (a cool and luxrious lifestyle I might add). See we all know that PS3 makes you cool, but xbox people don't because they never were cool. You have to be cool like Shadow Mosesand because they don't understand what "cool" is, they bash it. It's that simple...
Fanboys can deny it all they want to, but they know it's the truth. It's been proven
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