PS3 always gets the crappy version of multiplatform games even though it can produce better graphics, 360 always gets DLC first, Microsoft makes it look like multiplatform games are EXCLUSIVE to 360 like MGS Rising, when on video reviews or show demonstrations of video games, its always on 360. WTF is this!
Most of the problems is Sony own fault. The PS3 got crappy version of multi-platform games because developers had to learn new way to make games based on how the PS3 works and Sony never gave them enough support to start. This made games harder and longer to develop on the PS3 meaning the 360 version would be made first and the PS3 version completed later.
Yes the PS3 can produce better graphics but it used to mean that they would have to take more time and money developing to get close to the 360 graphic level. Some developer are not willing or can't afford to spend the extra money on the PS3 version.
When it comes to DLC MS does pay to get some of this early. They will do money deal and also do deal like paying for advertising the game or DLC.
Of course MS makes games look like they are exclusive. If they pay for advertising a game to try and get people to buy it for their system then they are not going to mention any other system. You wouldn't expect to see a 360 logo on a Sony advert?
You get the demonstration video being the 360 version as the 360 is easier and faster to make games for so that version is finished first and can be shown. Plus 360 users buy more games than PS3 users so they have a larger number of gamers to temp to buy their game if they show the 360 version.
So its not the 360 fault that the PS3 is being kept down.
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