installed base
Yeah, that, and the fact that It's older and cheaper to make games on, and it's easier to develop on due to it's architecture.
[QUOTE="onewiththegame"]same reason the better tech xbox got lots of crappy PS2 base the better selling systems gets the loveozmatic77
strange i really don't remember that...i remember gamecube and xbox having better versions of games as compared to the ps2...take resident evil 4 for example, game looked better on the gamecube...has nothing to do with fan base...
The majority of games last gen were made on PS2, and simply ported over to GC or Xbox, or both.(Sometimes with little to no enhancements).
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (Gamecube/Xbox)
"This fast-paced driving game is currently available for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube, with a PC version to follow at the end of the month. You'd expect the console versions of this game to be identical, but strangely enough, they're not. While the Xbox and GameCube iterations of Hot Pursuit II are in fact exact ports of one another, they're markedly different from their PlayStation 2 cousin, and in this case, "different" doesn't mean "better." In short, the Xbox and GameCube versions of Hot Pursuit II have slightly detuned graphics and mushier controls, and, inexplicably, they omit a variety of minute but tangible features found in the PlayStation 2 game."
Metal Gear Solid 2 : Substance (Xbox VERSION)
"Unfortunately, it's plain to see that Konami didn't spend a lot of time translating Metal Gear Solid 2 to the Xbox. The game wasn't optimized for Microsoft's technically superior platform, at best looking equally as good as the year-old PS2 game, and at worst suffering from some technical issues that weren't in the original. So Metal Gear Solid 2 fans that own an Xbox as well as a PS2 will be disappointed that this version of the game isn't hands-down superior to what they've already played."
That's the tip of the iceburg.
Also RE4 was made and designe for the GAMECUBE, and then ported over to the PS2 last minute. It was supposed to be an impossible feat, but the PS2 managed to do it, in a matter of months. RE4 was never on Xbox though.
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