I'm just curious, there is such a strong Asian... umm, style to alot of posters here and I'm interested in knowing why.
I see guys with women in their sigs, everyone of them Asian (Japanese), not there is anything wrong with that but to believeasain women as the only beutiful figures you could find... and it's not a personal thing because a lot of users have this trait, they only have Asian women in their sig's/avatars. Are Japanese women the pinnacle of bueaty? Should women aspire to look like them?
Why does everyone display anime? What is so appealing? It's not one or two people, it's almost as if everyone has anime displayed.
Whats with the sales threads? Why does anyone care what sells in Japan? Does it matter? Why is it important?
Why is Square considered flawless, yet Bioware might flop Mass Effect? Can Final Fantasy possibly flop, or is Square vastly superior to Bioware.
You'll see these traits on every game-related website on the web. Users with Asian-only women displayed, Asian-only art/anime - people don't do this with European culture or American culture. It can't be because games come from Japan - there arehundreds of non-Japanese devs and I don't see users with German women proudly displayed etc.
Just curious.
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