I've no doubt PC gamers want to play MGS.What I doubt is the existence of a significant audience that both wants to play MGS, and doesn't own a console capable of playing it. Anyone who is very excited by the idea bought a PS3 long ago, whether they primarily game on the PC or not.
You're assuming people buy a console for 1-2 games. I can assure you most people simply say "Bah!" and move on to other games. Especially PC gamers because of the abundance of incredible games (+ multiplats) there really isn't much reason to buy a console unless you just prefer couch/controller-gaming and/or just NEED to have those exclusives.
I think PC gamers would LOVE the idea of MGS especially because stealth games on the PC (and in general) seem to be dying. There hasn't been a Thief or Hitman game in years and Splinter Cell went from an incredible stealth game to a bad JasonBourneClone. There just isn't much left really other then some games that allow you to play stealthy (Crysis, Assassin's Creed ...).
MGS is considered the ultimate stealth franchise. There would be plenty of people, without a PS3, who upon seeing MGS4 on Steam would say "HEEEYYY!! ... that's that PS3 game, but ... that's just awesome *ca-click* -$$$". Another contributing factor is that stealth games are considered a niche, a niche that happens to do fairly good on the PC more then any other platform.
EDIT: Cleaning.
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