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The only reason I think it should get in the running is for the co-op. Single player and multiplayer have been done better elsewhere.BioShockOwnz
Where? GeoW 2? Give me a break, that game's multiplayer is a joke. Resistance 2 allows for 60 players and runs on dedicated servers. Name another console game that does that as standard, that has been released this year. Not to mention the single player is more memorable than most.
It's more deserving than either GTA 4 and Gears 2. They really could have been better. Ah well, I'm sure I won't lose sleep over something like this.Floppy_Jim
No, no it isn't. Find me a better TPS than Gears. I'll find you many better FPS's than Resistance. Also, GTA or Fallout will win GOTY, bet on it!
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]The only reason I think it should get in the running is for the co-op. Single player and multiplayer have been done better elsewhere.WasntAvailable
Where? GeoW 2? Give me a break, that game's multiplayer is a joke. Resistance 2 allows for 60 players and runs on dedicated servers. Name another console game that does that as standard, that has been released this year. Not to mention the single player is more memorable than most.
Never been a PC/Battlefield gamer, have you? Shame. You can name all these # matches, but #'s don't make a game better, and Resistance proves it. Single player memorable, are you freaking kidding me? XD
It's more deserving than either GTA 4 and Gears 2. They really could have been better. Ah well, I'm sure I won't lose sleep over something like this.Floppy_Jim
Resistance 2 better than GTA4 and Gears 2? Wow. Thats an interesting opinon. How you figure that?
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's more deserving than either GTA 4 and Gears 2. They really could have been better. Ah well, I'm sure I won't lose sleep over something like this.BioShockOwnz
No, no it isn't. Find me a better TPS than Gears. I'll find you many better FPS's than Resistance. Also, GTA or Fallout will win GOTY, bet on it!
Wow, you really don't like it when people criticise Gears 2. Don't let it bother you, I still think it's a great game. I don't think GTA deserves GOTY to be honest.[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's more deserving than either GTA 4 and Gears 2. They really could have been better. Ah well, I'm sure I won't lose sleep over something like this.IIJuggaNottII
Resistance 2 better than GTA4 and Gears 2? Wow. Thats an interesting opinon. How you figure that?
GTA 4 was great but not as good as I expected. San Andreas is better. I loved the SP and Horde mode in Gears 2 but I'm not a fan of the online.[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's more deserving than either GTA 4 and Gears 2. They really could have been better. Ah well, I'm sure I won't lose sleep over something like this.Floppy_Jim
No, no it isn't. Find me a better TPS than Gears. I'll find you many better FPS's than Resistance. Also, GTA or Fallout will win GOTY, bet on it!
Wow, you really don't like it when people criticise Gears 2. Don't let it bother you, I still think it's a great game. I don't think GTA deserves GOTY to be honest.You didn't answer my question...:(
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's more deserving than either GTA 4 and Gears 2. They really could have been better. Ah well, I'm sure I won't lose sleep over something like this.IIJuggaNottII
Resistance 2 better than GTA4 and Gears 2? Wow. Thats an interesting opinon. How you figure that?
It's an opinion. I agree. R2 has great coop. Some of the most fun I have had. Gears2 has an amaizng campaign, but that's about it. GTAIV was great too but it got repetative and a little boring[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Wow, you really don't like it when people criticise Gears 2. Don't let it bother you, I still think it's a great game. I don't think GTA deserves GOTY to be honest.No, no it isn't. Find me a better TPS than Gears. I'll find you many better FPS's than Resistance. Also, GTA or Fallout will win GOTY, bet on it!
You didn't answer my question...:(
You didn't actually ask a question :lol: And I never actually said Resistance 2 was the best FPS.
This may sound odd but I actually think Freedom Fighters is a better TPS. And Uncharted, although you could argue it's an action/adventure game. Gears is still one of the best TPS games though.
[QUOTE="WasntAvailable"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]The only reason I think it should get in the running is for the co-op. Single player and multiplayer have been done better elsewhere.BioShockOwnz
Where? GeoW 2? Give me a break, that game's multiplayer is a joke. Resistance 2 allows for 60 players and runs on dedicated servers. Name another console game that does that as standard, that has been released this year. Not to mention the single player is more memorable than most.
Never been a PC/Battlefield gamer, have you? Shame. You can name all these # matches, but #'s don't make a game better, and Resistance proves it. Single player memorable, are you freaking kidding me? XD
I said this year, what Battlefield game was released this year, and on what consoles? Oh, that;s right, the one that dosn't support up to 60 players online, and dosn't run on dedicated servers. Yeah, sorry to break it to you, but PC games from years ago don't really count in a GotY line up. Resistance 2 proves multiplayer with 60 players, and near perfect connection can be attained with console games, challenging both PC gamers and Xbox live gamers. It is also incredibly fun. I find it hard to belive that someone can so easily criticse R2 but be so suportive of GeoW 2, even though R2 has a multiplayer that is about 3 times more functional. Incidently, how many FPS games have been about an alien invasion of America? And how many of them have had set pieces as good as R2? None. GeoW 2 had far less memorable moments than R2 did. Just because it's a TPS does not somehow give it some extra edge. It is still a shooter, the only thing diffrent is the perspective.
I think it's a contender, but it's pretty obvious it has little chance of winning. [QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's more deserving than either GTA 4 and Gears 2. They really could have been better. Ah well, I'm sure I won't lose sleep over something like this.EuroMafiaI disagree. I disagree with your disagreement. So you played through Resistance 2 and didn't like it as much as GTA and Gears, that's kosher.
[QUOTE="WasntAvailable"]I said this year, what Battlefield game was released this year, and on what consoles? Oh, that;s right, the one that dosn't support up to 60 players online, and dosn't run on dedicated servers. Yeah, sorry to break it to you, but PC games from years ago don't really count in a GotY line up. Resistance 2 proves multiplayer with 60 players, and near perfect connection can be attained with console games, challenging both PC gamers and Xbox live gamers. It is also incredibly fun. I find it hard to belive that someone can so easily criticse R2 but be so suportive of GeoW 2, even though R2 has a multiplayer that is about 3 times more functional. Incidently, how many FPS games have been about an alien invasion of America? And how many of them have had set pieces as good as R2? None. GeoW 2 had far less memorable moments than R2 did. Just because it's a TPS does not somehow give it some extra edge. It is still a shooter, the only thing diffrent is the perspective.BioShockOwnz
You're using #'s as your argument, which is a moot argument. Wooo, 60 players, omg! It doesn't make the game better, fact. You're acting like adding scale to a game adds quality, which is not the case, because as you can clearly see, it's not one of the highest rated FPS's. While it's a great game, it's not the godsend you're trying to make it out to be. It's laughable to even consider Resistance 2's single player memorable. Even most of its most hardcore fans on the Resistance 2 board have admitted how average it was. Oh yeah, and before it even comes up...
I own them all and have experience under the belt.
It does actually make it better. It allows for a greater scale of multiplayer game, which adds to the intensity. Developers know this and so should you. Resistance 2 would not be as fun with only 30 players in a game, and having played both types of games I know this. The most "hardcore fans" of any game call it medicore. Want proof? Pick a game on this website and scroll through the forums. It's mostly because the majority of GameFaqs seems to be made up of very spoilt people. I'm not saying Reistance 2 is a god send. I'm saying it's one of the best games of the year, and it is also better than GeoW 2. The Single player was full of memorable moments. The first level sees you in a helicopter crash in a field overlooked by a Goliath tank. That is a memorable image. There were many more moments in the game. By comparison the most impressive moment of GeoW 2 was probably the large worm, which is nothing on what Resistance 2 threw at you. The game is far from perfect, it's too short for a start, and a couple of levels were very mediocre. But it's really the same for Gears only it's slightly longer. But then Resistance 2 dosn't have a broken multiplayer, so I say it's better.
And I can't prove I have all 4, but you can check my Gamertag for Gears if you like. I don't know how you check PSN stuff though.
[QUOTE="EuroMafia"]I think it's a contender, but it's pretty obvious it has little chance of winning. [QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's more deserving than either GTA 4 and Gears 2. They really could have been better. Ah well, I'm sure I won't lose sleep over something like this.Floppy_JimI disagree. I disagree with your disagreement. So you played through Resistance 2 and didn't like it as much as GTA and Gears, that's kosher. We all like to hate and moan about GTA IV, but it is still one of the few masterpieces of this generation. As for Gears 2 it's my personal GOTY.
The thing about Gears 2 online, it's just not as fluid as an FPS. So even thought Gears is the best TPS, online there are several FPS that are better, including R2Couth_
It's not supposed to have the same feel as a run n' gun FPS. :| That's why there are much more differences than just the view you're playing the game in. Like Killzone 2, it's trying to take the stop n' pop type formula and transfer it over to FPS's.
[QUOTE="Couth_"]The thing about Gears 2 online, it's just not as fluid as an FPS. So even thought Gears is the best TPS, online there are several FPS that are better, including R2BioShockOwnz
It's not supposed to have the same feel as a run n' gun FPS. :| That's why there are much more differences than just the view you're playing the game in. Like Killzone 2, it's trying to take the stop n' pop type formula and transfer it over to FPS's.
I know it's not trying :| that's the point. It works great in the campaign IMO becaue your enemies and level design are set up to take advantage of your controls and abilites. Online though, it's just not that fluid. FPS are better[QUOTE="Couth_"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]I know it's not trying :| that's the point. It works great in the campaign IMO becaue your enemies and level design are set up to take advantage of your controls and abilites. Online though, it's just not that fluid. FPS are betterIt's not supposed to have the same feel as a run n' gun FPS. :| That's why there are much more differences than just the view you're playing the game in. Like Killzone 2, it's trying to take the stop n' pop type formula and transfer it over to FPS's.
Obviously not...
"it's just not as fluid as an FPS."
You don't understand. A Corrola isn't trying to be a Ferrari, the ferrari is still better...[QUOTE="WasntAvailable"]It does actually make it better.BioShockOwnz
Didn't read any further. This argument is over. You can have your opinion, and I'll have my opinion. The end.
Translation: I read the comment, and couldn't be bothered to respond, so I pretend I didn't read the full thing and make fun of it instead.
Really, if you can't even have the respect to respond appropriately to responses to your own posts, then why bother coming here? I find that quite offensive and arrogant actually.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="WasntAvailable"]It does actually make it better.WasntAvailable
Didn't read any further. This argument is over. You can have your opinion, and I'll have my opinion. The end.
Translation: I read the comment, and couldn't be bothered to respond, so I pretend I didn't read the full thing and make fun of it instead.
Really, if you can't even have the respect to respond appropriately to responses to your own posts, then why bother coming here? I find that quite offensive and arrogant actually.
Nope, it's the fact that I've already expressed that I disagree with you 100% and you've expressed the same towards me. There's no point in arguing whos opinion is superior, because neither is. There's no winner int his argument, so therefore I used the rope and kicked the chair on this argument. If you find it offensive that I respected your opinion, and decided to go the "agree to disagree" route, then whatever, I don't really care. I'm not in the mood to argue over opinions any longer.
You don't understand. A Corrola isn't trying to be a Ferrari, the ferrari is still better...Couth_
2 different types of play. The quickness of how the game plays is different, because that's how it's meant to be. One is run n' gun, the other isn't. You prefer run n' gun. I guess you'd dig Soldier of Fortune: Payback more than Gears 2, too.
[QUOTE="WasntAvailable"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Didn't read any further. This argument is over. You can have your opinion, and I'll have my opinion. The end.
Translation: I read the comment, and couldn't be bothered to respond, so I pretend I didn't read the full thing and make fun of it instead.
Really, if you can't even have the respect to respond appropriately to responses to your own posts, then why bother coming here? I find that quite offensive and arrogant actually.
Nope, it's the fact that I've already expressed that I disagree with you 100% and you've expressed the same towards me. There's no point in arguing whos opinion is superior, because neither is. There's no winner int his argument, so therefore I used the rope and kicked the chair on this argument. If you find it offensive that I respected your opinion, and decided to go the "agree to disagree" route, then whatever, I don't really care. I'm not in the mood to argue over opinions any longer.
No I found it offensive that you made out that my post was of inferior quality and was not worth reading. If that was not the intention, then I aplogise for the misunderstanding, but I would recommend you don't use that again, because it can quite easily be taken the wrong way.
[QUOTE="Couth_"]You don't understand. A Corrola isn't trying to be a Ferrari, the ferrari is still better...BioShockOwnz
2 different types of play. The quickness of how the game plays is different, because that's how it's meant to be. One is run n' gun, the other isn't. You prefer run n' gun. I guess you'd dig Soldier of Fortune: Payback more than Gears 2, too.
Obviously two different styles of play... And one is better suited for online multilayer :roll: your arguing but your not saying anything[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Couth_"]You don't understand. A Corrola isn't trying to be a Ferrari, the ferrari is still better...Couth_
2 different types of play. The quickness of how the game plays is different, because that's how it's meant to be. One is run n' gun, the other isn't. You prefer run n' gun. I guess you'd dig Soldier of Fortune: Payback more than Gears 2, too.
Obviously two different styles of play... And one is better suited for online multilayer :roll: your arguing but your not saying anythingIn your opinion, of course. More people play Gears than Resistance online.
I wouldnt try to compair Resistance 2's online vs. Gears 2. Its all in preference. IMO....R2 is sort of a run and gun type gameplay. Gears 2 is slower, on a smaller scale...smaller maps etc. I just prefer Gears 2 all around. IMO...Gears 2 had the better story, better online modes, better gameplay, and better graphics. Almost everything in Resistance 2 was done better in other FPS's. Only things I thought they did well was 1. weapons 2. better controls (more responsive and smooth). I respect the opinion of those who believe that Resistance 2 is great, I just dont see it. As far as GTA4...that was a GREAT game IMO. Most guy were addicted to it like crack, then they crashed....woke up and called it trash. Okay, how can you be hooked for weeks on a game thats TRASH?
As far as GTA4...that was a GREAT game IMO. Most guy were addicted to it like crack, then they crashed....woke up and called it trash. Okay, how can you be hooked for weeks on a game thats TRASH? IIJuggaNottIIBecause it got worse as it went along, or atleast it didn't get any better as it went along
I wouldnt try to compair Resistance 2's online vs. Gears 2. Its all in preference. IMO....R2 is sort of a run and gun type gameplay. Gears 2 is slower, on a smaller scale...smaller maps etc. I just prefer Gears 2 all around. IMO...Gears 2 had the better story, better online modes, better gameplay, and better graphics. Almost everything in Resistance 2 was done better in other FPS's. Only things I thought they did well was 1. weapons 2. better controls (more responsive and smooth). I respect the opinion of those who believe that Resistance 2 is great, I just dont see it. As far as GTA4...that was a GREAT game IMO. Most guy were addicted to it like crack, then they crashed....woke up and called it trash. Okay, how can you be hooked for weeks on a game thats TRASH?
It's the cool thing to hate GTA IV. If it wins on the VGA's tonight, just watch people trash their opinion like they trashed G4's when they gave Fable 2 GOTY. Somehow, some people can't see a difference between opinions and fact. Anyways, All are good games, but some are just better than others.
[QUOTE="IIJuggaNottII"] As far as GTA4...that was a GREAT game IMO. Most guy were addicted to it like crack, then they crashed....woke up and called it trash. Okay, how can you be hooked for weeks on a game thats TRASH? Couth_Because it got worse as it went along, or atleast it didn't get any better as it went along
In your opinion, of course. I feel the complete opposite, and obviously reviewers shared my same thoughts.
And more people play Halo and CoD than Gears online... So amirite[QUOTE="Couth_"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]In your opinion, of course. More people play Gears than Resistance online.BioShockOwnz
That just proves that Resistance isn't better than COD and Halo, while Gears is the best TPS on the market.
My point was that FPS are better than TPS online, that's obvious. And Resistance 2 is better than Gears 2 online that's my opinion. So like I said your arguing but your not saying anything[QUOTE="IIJuggaNottII"] As far as GTA4...that was a GREAT game IMO. Most guy were addicted to it like crack, then they crashed....woke up and called it trash. Okay, how can you be hooked for weeks on a game thats TRASH? Couth_Because it got worse as it went along, or atleast it didn't get any better as it went along
What got better as Resistance 2 went along? The story was forgetable at best, and when it ended I felt robbed. Eh, you guys dont like Gears 2 much...Im cool with that, I just dont understand where the sales are coming from. What? Guys are just getting it for the heck of it? If Resistance 2 was as great as guys are making it out to be, maybe it would sell better. Im not playing the numbers game...but still, how sucessful Gears 2 did HAS to count for something right?
Because it got worse as it went along, or atleast it didn't get any better as it went along[QUOTE="Couth_"][QUOTE="IIJuggaNottII"] As far as GTA4...that was a GREAT game IMO. Most guy were addicted to it like crack, then they crashed....woke up and called it trash. Okay, how can you be hooked for weeks on a game thats TRASH? IIJuggaNottII
What got better as Resistance 2 went along? The story was forgetable at best, and when it ended I felt robbed. Eh, you guys dont like Gears 2 much...Im cool with that, I just dont understand where the sales are coming from. What? Guys are just getting it for the heck of it? If Resistance 2 was as great as guys are making it out to be, maybe it would sell better. Im not playing the numbers game...but still, how sucessful Gears 2 did HAS to count for something right?
Agreed. Resistance 2 has the most disappointing FPS story mode campaign since Halo 2. Most people agree, though.
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