- I can almost guarantee that angry sheep will be bombing my house for sayign this, But the wii's audience isn't the same as the PS3 or 360's.
If your a Gamer, chances are, you wouldn't buy a Wii. It has only a few "Big" games,( Games with a main campain, not just a minigame collection) and the hardware is lacking. No More Heroes, SSBB,MP3, Galaxy, and I'll even throw in Mario kart. But the wii is still selling like hot cakes. It's not serious gamers who are buying the wii, it's people who read about it in the NYTimes, or saw it on ABC, and thought it would be a cool little toy.
YES, THEY ARE GAMERS. SIT DOWN. But they are "Casual Gamers" Simply meaning they are gamers who don't play as often as a hardcore gamer. They play spurts of 30 to 40 minutes, a few times a week. Sure, they could be playing Halo or Turok. But Odds are, they are playing games that are suited to that, such as Scene it, Gituar Hero, Wario Ware, and others.
The Wii caters to that demographic, people who aren't serious about gaming, and only play once in while, the same way some people aren't serious about hiking or canoeing, but still occasionally want to go. They provide great games for spurts, like mario party, Guitar Hero ( I'm aware it's on other systems), Wario Ware,Rayman Raving Rabbids, ect.
People like this don't want a 600 dollar console, and they don't have time or will to play through a 10 hour long Game. The PS3 and 360 don't provide for the faint of heart. They cater to "Medium" to Hardcore gamers, people who really are into it. So even if the Wii sold 100 million units, it wouldn't effect the sales or game production for the 360 and PS3 very much.
- Wii is for people who only game once in a while, usually playing games like Scene it, and Wario Ware.
- 360/PS3 are for the hardcore.
- The audience is different, there fore, they don't effect each other. ( well they do, but let's not overthink it.)
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