There has been much debate over which new peripheral will be the new victor, and which will carry its console to victory.. and I honestly must say... Kinect is going to come out on top on this one.. here's my reasoning..
* Microsoft's Kinect is a glimpse of the future of not just gaming, but technology in general.. Imagine the possibilites this type of tech can bring to the world after a few more years or even decades of refinement... (See move 'Gamer')
Reason why Kinect will win ---------> i know Kinect will win this out for the simple reason that I hate my 360, and i love my PS3... and i'm still going to buy kinect in hopes that it will be compatible with my PC!!
PC is the big reason that kinects going to win, because people like me will buy it for a PC and try to do something with it OTHER THAN GAMING!... because honestly... it looks like it sucks for a gaming device right now (maybe not 10 years from now)...
** Playstation Move is definately going to be the winner in terms of Meeting and exceeding expectations in the video game world.. the more i read about this device the better and better it looks. (if anyone has gameinformer magazine, the latest issue had an amazing article about it)
* The tech behind move is nothing short of amazing... It is EXACTLY what i wanted from the Wii 5 years ago, but never got.. and I Think gamers are going to realize this quickly... this is a true motion controller for people who want to really feel like they are having their motions mimicked on screen..
Move will be the better peripheral controller, with the better games... and i think its gona give everyone exactly what they have been expecting.. but like i said before, because a sony fanboy like myself will still by the Kinect device just for my PC, thats a huge indicator that there's probably millions others like me that will be doing the same thing.. and put kinect at number 1..
either way you look at it... everyones gona win here because there are 2 count um TWO amazing tech devices coming out and we all get to play with them!!!! i'm personally gona be bringin my ps3 over my friends house so we can rock out some ps360 and get some Kinect'i'movin goin!
what u guys think? who's device is comin out on top on this one?! (keep in mind i'm like 98% positive that Microsoft wasnt even thinkin of the 360 when they developed this thing, i think it was meant for a PC!)
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