Ok I've lived all over the world. Europe. Africa. Asia. And of course, North America (both US and Canada).
Its quite easy to understand why Microsoft owns the N.A. market. America is dominated by capitalism. That means people buy what they see is the most value to them. They don't care where it comes from so much as they are getting the features they want at a price they are willing to pay.
Europe and Japan are a bit less capitalist and a bit more nationalist. They consider where something was made (or WHO made it) a little bit more than North Americans. Buying products from Microsoft outside of the US is a hard sell, because Microsoft = America to non-Americans, and the rest of the world resents (to a degree) that the US is the most successful & prosperous market. Furthermore, Europeans are willing to pay more for products and keep them for longer periods of time. Americans like to constantly update and/or upgrade what they have.
Japan is a little different because Asian culture is different enough to where tastes in products differ enough to become a factor in consumer products.
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