Geforce 8800GTX is sub $600...you paid $1000??
either this dude just fell of the boat and some1 is selling him PC components on a %100 markup or he is in a country where he is getting killed on exchange rates or something??
ok xbox360 is $399 $400 plus tax is $460 plus 1 game = $510 + warranty for 1 year = $610
Ps3 = $600 + warranty = $710 + tax = $770 + 1 game = $840 + HD cable = $900
Hp high intel 2 core procesor 2 gb memory 350 hard drive, and ligth scribe = $810 after taxes, Geforce 8800 = $399, total is arroun $1200 taht u will b playing crysis and other games to come usin dirext10 taht will leave the console on teh dust. it matter of time
I think you just totally blew up you own thread Hp high intel 2 core procesor 2 gb memory 350 hard drive, and ligth scribe = $810 after taxes, Geforce 8800 = $399, total is arroun $1200 that is already the price of double of what you say the 360 costs $610(one year warranty dude MS gives you a 1 year warrenty for free?) $1200 bucks really? for a CPU, RAM, DVD-ROM and a Vid card...what about the MOBO, case, power supply, amoung some other components you left out? I think you are a little off...
and I love how you included the price of the game on consoles but not the price of Crysis when you did your PC calculation how convient
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