They review games for two reasons; to be sensationalists and to cater fanboys for sensationalism.
They're not a good objective service for game criiquing and are bias, they rate games for their publicity and marketing hype. It's all just marketing hype, if a game doesn't have enough marketing hype, then they will not score it as high as games that do. Take Kane & Lynch incident at GameSpot for example, Jeff Gerstmann rated the game a 6.0 and he was fired for that becaue Eidos were marketing the game at GameSpot. It is the same way games like Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto IV recieve high scores of undeserved 10 and 9, a lot of crappy movies games like King Kong and Assault on Dark Athena recieve scores of undeserved 7's and 8.
They review games based on hype, if the game doesn't have enough good hype around them they won't rate it as high as great games like Killer7, XIII, SW The Force Unleashed, and Sacred 2 weren't rated high because they weren't marketed as high as other "AAA" titled games.
It's also fanboyism, if they don't rate a certain high profile console exclusive games with a 10 or a 9 then fanboys will attack them with hate mails so that's why console exclusives like Killzone 2 and halo 3 recieve tens that are undeserved. They're catering towards fanboys all the time.
They're also completely bias as they dismiss first-person shooters like Red Steel, The Conduit, and Haze as generic mediocre shooters while they rate FPS like Resistance, Halo, Crysis, and Killzone 2 high while they're just as mediocre and generic as those games. They also review games for their technical factor instead of fun factor, which is why they rated the overrated GTA IV higher than the underrated Saints Row 2.
It's also about graphics, if a game doesn't have good graphics then they're bashed because of it like Prototype {Which is way better than the overrated inFamous} but games with good graphics but with mediocre gameplay are rated high like Crysis, Doom 3, and Killzone 2.
They also seem to rate them for casual game value so they can keep the consumers stupid and sedated, which explains why casual friendly games like BioShock, Oblivion, and Halo are rated higher than deeper hardcore games like System Shock 2, Morrowind, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
So don't trust professional reviewers like GameSpot and IGN as they're biased and untrust worthy. Trust only yourself and Yahtzee.
EDIT: Do not trust Jeff Gerstmann too because at GameSpot he rated Halo 3 a 9.5 for being the same game while he scored Twilight Princess a 8.8 by criticizing it for being the same game. Jeff is bias as well too.
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