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I myself totally agree with the points put forward.
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You must realise that SW posters are lazy so its best to link things to get more responses :P
The link is basically saying what I said nearly a year ago when I used to post here more often and that is why I think the ps3 wont do as well as the ps2 (doesnt mean fail)and also why I thought the 360 would win is sales
I think the PS3 lost when it came out after the 360, but at least it has good hardware. The PS2 came out first and had disk errors, but won... It's almost as though the PS3 is the original xbox, and the 360 is the PS2.SolidSnake35
Quoted For Truth.
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That article is at least a year old, but #2 is still relavant to this day and especially with recent news.
2)Extremely expensive.While PlayStation 2 launched at a relatively high $299, it was still at a reasonable price point compared to other console launches. Microsoft was widely criticized for launching the Xbox 360 at $399, but Sony will double their own price point for the PS3 at $599. (I'm intentionally ignoring lower priced configurations for "crippled" hardware.) No console selling for such a high price point has ever been a success in the marketplace.
i dont think PS3 will fail. it hasnt been out for a full year and people are hating on it when it hasnt even gotten its great games out yet. People will eat there words just like they did with the PS2.soccer_fan93The difference here is the PS2 was never criticized by the masses but the PS3 is so I don't know where you get that remark about eating their words just like with the PS2. The PS3 will not FAIL!!!!! but it will not have the user base the PS2 had.
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that article has to be an old one. I don't agree with a lot of the article's points
1. so what if Sony was beaten to the Market? that doesn't mean it's going to loose the war. The console war has just begun and Sony hasn't even released its big guns yet, GT5 MGS4 FF13 LittleBigPlanet and other very popular titles. now with the price drop and these games on the horizon we shall see what happens
2. expensieve? yes, but it's selling better than the PS2 during its first year, and it's having the same sales as the 360 during its first year plus you could get it now for 399. That's an awesome deal for the system
3. blu-ray as we have been seeing is winning all over, so even with competition it's winning. Competition does not mean BR is going to loose.
4. this point is laughable, time changes and if you want to be in the next-gen era you're going to need an HDTV. Even if you want to play 360, you would need an HDTV to make the games look good. Everone is buying HDTV's these days to watch sports..etc, why the blame on PS3? the console is next gen, if you want to hook it up on a SDTV, go ahead, and talking about additional investments, the 360 has more hidden costs than the PS3 does. adding wireless to it alone would cost you an extran 100 dollars which is a feature important to many gamers like me, and not to mention the inability to play HD movies out of the box.
5. No "wow" fator?? is this guys crazy or what? the system has better sales than the PS2 during its first year. Every PS3 owner I know has the WOW factor. they love it!! who wouldn't love the great game graphics and BR movies???
6.not all exclusive have been lost. MGS4 and FF13 are still exclusive. Also GT5 is exclusive and will sell many PS3's. Plus Sony is making some good moves lately with RockStar and Epic to make more PS3 exlusives. I see the author's point, but that doesn't mean that the PS3 has lost all of its exclusives.
7. No innovation???? Now this author has shown his dumbness. OMG, the PS3 is the most innovative System out there having built in BR Player, six axis (I know the complains about it, but if you have not played heavenly Sword or warhawk, you wouldn't know. it actually added a whole level of fun to HS and I kinda fell in love with it.), also built-in wireless, support for upto 7 controllers (Madden fans anyone?), Memory slots, HDMI 1.3 (1.3 unlike the 1.2 on the 360 supports 7.1 surround sound and higher resolutions than 1080P! I also know the complains about this one. Yes, it's not needed right now, but Sony has a vision of the PS3 of lasting around 10 year. It's the only future proof system out. M$ on the other hand keep running their service packs on the 360 like they do with Windows and basically adding stuff to it as they go). PS3 is the best bang for the buck no doubt.
I'm sorry, but the author just fails.
[QUOTE="SolidSnake35"]I think the PS3 lost when it came out after the 360, but at least it has good hardware. The PS2 came out first and had disk errors, but won... It's almost as though the PS3 is the original xbox, and the 360 is the PS2.ReverseCycology
Quoted For Truth.
So true.
All I know is that I picked up Folklore and the Ratchet & Clank demo yesterday at my local Game Stop and they are 2 really top notch great fun games with the best HD graphics I've ever seen. There are a lot of really impressive games out and coming out this year to the PS3. I used to play 360 up until this summer. I don't see why the PS3 would fail? Anyone with a HDTV and a PS3 know that it's capable of displaying amazing graphics. casey7672
So we play graphics now?
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While there is no doubt the PS3 has a number of hurdles to overcome that the PS2 didn't...the article is BS. It is clearly the working of a casual who can't tell the difference between rumours and actual facts. It is no different from many clueless casuals on this forum who hear all the constantly repeated rumours, believe them to be truth, them form their opinion based purely on BS.
Allow me to explain.
1) He says it was a good thing the PS2 launched a year before the GC. What about the Xbox? What about the fact that the PS2 launched AFTER the Dreamcast which many claim is one of the best consoles ever made (if not for SEGAs financial troubles). Why does launching before the GC, a console made by a company Sony already crushed the previous gen and instantly less appealing as many referred to it as a fisher price toy and a purse?
2) He says the headstart expanded the PS2 lifespan longer than the ususal five years? WHAT? I think it had more to do with the massive sales, masse library of games, overwhelming popularity of the console AND the manufacturing issues that delayed the PS3's launch. The PS2 is still holding its own against current consoles on a regular basis. Is that purely because of the headstart also?
3) "Normally, launching a game console outside of that five-year cycle spelled disaster". Again I ask WTF? The PS1 launched in 1995. The PS2 launched in 2000. HOw can anybody with even the simplest of mathematical knowledge, look at that and say the PS2 launched OUTSIDE the typical five year cycle. If anything, it was GC and Xbox that launched outside the cycle. And Xbox did okay. So again I find it hilarious that he ignores the Xbox which blows apart his whole theory.
4) "Sony managed to make it work, but it wasn't by virtue of their games". Oh Really? I had a PS2 at launch and have been saying for 7 years now that this is the biggest myth of all time. The PS2 launched with 3 AAA titles and roughly a dozen AA titles (according to GS of course). Out of the GC, Xbox, 360, Wii, and PS3...only the original Xbox had similar level of titles at launch. People who say the PS2 had no good games for a year clearly never HAD one during that year or they are simply casuals. I say that because the ONLY thing the PS2 lacked that first year was an extremely over-hyped, over advertised game that attracts the bandwagon jumpers more than actual gamers. Not that the PS2 needed the help at the time since it was selling out world wide. PLUS the PS2 was the first console to offer complete backwards compatibility. So people who did adopt early could still pick up PS1 releases they wanted.
5) "Sony was taking a significant loss on the hardware". This is another rumour people have come to accept as myth. Yes, Sony like most companies sold the PS2 at a loss. However, it wasn't a significant loss as, when they released that quarters numbers, Sony stated that most of that 'significant loss" was caused by a major currency fluctuation between the chinese and American dollars. NOT because the console was selling way below the cost to make it. SECOND, they told shareholders that if they were able to meet the demand for the console at launch, they would have been making a profit immediately. Instead it took Sony almost a year (one whole year...omg) for the PS2 to start showing as "in the black" on the financials. Considering people also tend to spread the myth of the crappy launch with no games...how could Sony profit so quickly that first year if they were selling at such a "significant loss"?
6) No "wow" factor. I fail to see how the PS2 was such a "wow" machine when the DC was out FIRST and had amazing looking titles right from the get-go. The PS2 hype wasn't driven because of some insane graphical leap that put the competition to shame. No...it was because a hundred million people loved the PS1. NOT because there was some massive noticeable difference between the PS2 and DC. Again, this is an example of the article writer ignoring reality...or in this case the DC.
What I say is fact and the reality of the PS brands history. His main point is correct, the PS3 has a number of issues the PS2 didn't have. He names the price, the lack of exclusives, etc. But other than that, for a 4 paragraph article, it is filled with a MASSIVE amount of errors and misinformation. The only conclusion I could draw is that he is clueless about console history and just another casual who didn't research the FACTS when it was so much easier to just listen to the persistent rumours.
i dont think PS3 will fail. it hasnt been out for a full year and people are hating on it when it hasnt even gotten its great games out yet. People will eat there words just like they did with the PS2.soccer_fan93
What do you mean eat their words as they did with the PS2?
There was an eight month delay from when it was released in Japan and when it finally got to North America.
By the time it hit North America it actually had SOME games on it, perhaps Sony should have done the same thing with PS3 although eight months into PS3 there isn't really that much more?
All I know is that I picked up Folklore and the Ratchet & Clank demo yesterday at my local Game Stop and they are 2 really top notch great fun games with the best HD graphics I've ever seen. There are a lot of really impressive games out and coming out this year to the PS3. I used to play 360 up until this summer. I don't see why the PS3 would fail? Anyone with a HDTV and a PS3 know that it's capable of displaying amazing graphics. casey7672
This is where I am confused?
Last generation when the Xbox and Gamecube had more horsepower then the PS2, Graphics did not matter all that mattered was games,
Now this generation games don't matter all that matters is Graphics?
[QUOTE="casey7672"]All I know is that I picked up Folklore and the Ratchet & Clank demo yesterday at my local Game Stop and they are 2 really top notch great fun games with the best HD graphics I've ever seen. There are a lot of really impressive games out and coming out this year to the PS3. I used to play 360 up until this summer. I don't see why the PS3 would fail? Anyone with a HDTV and a PS3 know that it's capable of displaying amazing graphics. cosmostein77
This is where I am confused?
Last generation when the Xbox and Gamecube had more horsepower then the PS2, Graphics did not matter all that mattered was games,
Now this generation games don't matter all that matters is Graphics?
Surely you aren't comparing the 360 library to the PS2's library? Surely you aren't saying that the PS3 doesn't have the potential to have BOTH games and graphics
I think the PS3 lost when it came out after the 360, but at least it has good hardware. The PS2 came out first and had disk errors, but won... It's almost as though the PS3 is the original xbox, and the 360 is the PS2.SolidSnake35
all right i sick of this excuse first the 360 is only beating the ps3 by 1.5%. i have a thread here proving this. link
second it sounds as if your saying the 360 is the next ps2 its not just because the 360 has hardware problem like the ps2 doesn't mean there similar. the 360 can't even get world wide sales. reason it doesn't have the best consoles sales. before we claim the 360 is the next the 360 needs to show that its the next ps2 with world wide support.
Pretty crappy and biased article if you ask me, I want my ten minutes back. Here's a rebuttal:
1) Motion sensing has been done before byMattel or PAXwith the Power Glove so the Wii motion sensing is nothing new. It's not innovative either. To be honest, none of this generation console is even innovative.
2) The last time I check PS3 also had some exclusives that are not coming to other consoles.
3) Sony is already reducing the price on PS3, that's why they are making a $399 version.
4) No one has to buy a HDTV to enjoy a PS3 or a X-Box 360, why don't they get it through their thick heads that a HDTV is not required but recommended.
5) Blu-ray has competition, no duh Sherlock, butWalmart and Blockbusters don't carry HD-DVD. Last time I checked, lots of people buy or rent their videos from either Walmart or Blockbusters.When Blu-ray becomes more mainstream, guess where HD-DVD is going to end up?
That article was so full of B.S. that it was hard to read because I was laughing so hard that I was crying. I felt to much pity on the writer for his lack of knowledge and his total lack of looking more than a day into the future or the past. I figure that he went onto a bunch of Xbox and Nintendo fan boy sites and took all the logic that must go on in there and then wrote an article based on it.
Ripping on blu-ray sales is now and has been for a while been shot down. the smallest lead in movie sales for blu-ray is still 2:1 in the States and up to 9:1 in japan. that is a lead no matter how you think about it.
Dream cast did not launch inbetween console systems life. it launched in as much time as it took microsoft to make the Xbox360. So would that mean Xbox360 is the next dreamcast? People can talk about how wonderful it is but it might be off the market soon because it was so mismanaged it was bound to fail from the Start? if you want to go into history that is where it is headed. the only thing it has going for it is the Extra billions Microsoft has in the bank.
Complaining about the cost of a BR disk? and really trying to compare it to betamax? It was not because of the fact that betamax tapes were so costly to make. it was a mistsake sony made back then by making it proprietary. Go find a betamax player that does not say sony on it. Blu-ray might be heavily invester in blu-ray but they are not the only company. and you can buy a blu-ray player that does not say sony on it. and with multiple companys working on it you will be sure to see a big price reduction. Just remember when you were buying DVD disks to burn for $5. The price will drop quickly for Blu-ray as it did DVD.
Also saying Nintendo beat Sony to market with the Wii. Really! How much does less than a week matter?
And complaining that you have to buy an all new T.V. to take full advantage of the PS3. Dont you have to buy a fancy pants 1080p HD tv. to take advantage of everything the Xbox360 does? I mean they do now have an hdmi port and 1080p upconverting. So why use this argument against the PS3? PS3 looks great on a standared tv. but even better on a HD tv.
So saying that history repeats it's self just says to me that Sony has taken some smart steps to avoid that. and they continue to make then. Sure the $600 system is expensive. Sony has noticiably been working on that as they will be comming out with a $399 40gb version soon. That will stop alot of complaints and take them very strongly into this upcomming holiday season. The PS3 is also built to last. It has very few issues, unlike some. Blu-ray is the wave of the future and there are 4 layer 100GB disks on the way. Blowing the 51gb HD-DVD disk out of the water with.
i dont think PS3 will fail. it hasnt been out for a full year and people are hating on it when it hasnt even gotten its great games out yet. People will eat there words just like they did with the PS2.soccer_fan93
You didn't even read the article, did you? It explains fairly well why the PS3 is not the PS2.
[QUOTE="soccer_fan93"]i dont think PS3 will fail. it hasnt been out for a full year and people are hating on it when it hasnt even gotten its great games out yet. People will eat there words just like they did with the PS2.psycotictaratua
You didn't even read the article, did you? It explains fairly well why the PS3 is not the PS2.
I agree, just naming differences in the different generations and why this generation is alot tuffer than the last.
Nice read. Yep, thats pretty much why the PS3will always belast place this gen.
up yours if you think that, damn you fanboys are so gulliable.
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