One of the most consistent knocks on the Wii is how it is courting casual gamers and dumbing down games. While everyone argues whether this is true, I think another point should be made. That the nature of the 360 and PS3 losing exclusive content to one another is the biggest detrimental factor to hard core gaming this generation. Let me explain.
Right now neither the 360 nor the PS3 have a large enough user base to warrant purely exclusive titles. While some begin exclusive, ultimately it comes to pass that the title has been ported over to the competitor's console with added features. If we consider the sales of these games across both platforms the IP does well, but on each individual system the results are lackluster. I see this trend continuing. I do not feel that the 360 will break ahead of the PS3 by a clear margin, nor vice versa. They each have somewhat of a hold on a large market. 360 controls America, while the PS3 enjoys some dominance in Europe, with both floundering in Japan.
With the money for a game being poured into two deiffernt development teams the results will show. The rush to get them to market at the same time will mean that both developments will need to have equal sums of money to ensure quality. Granted, first-party content and exclusives will still be quality products, but the barrage of mediocre multi-plats will help put the nail in the coffins of many genres and IPs.
Couple this with the fact that Nintendo is becoming a global phenomenon and we will see even more money being pulled from the Next-gen consoles and put into the much cheaper to develop for Wii.
So while it could be argued that the Wii is the cause of this decline in hardcore games, the fact that Microsoft and Sony continue to slit each other's throats for the same target audience can only mean bad things for both these powerhouses. It is like two popular presidential candidates spending large amounts of money to defeat each other, while a third less likely candiate gains dominance after the top two have crippled each other.
Just a thought.
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