no other genre simulates something as adrenaline pumping and terrifying as war! thats why it's the most successful genre! think about it, in almost all aspects of a shooter there's constantly action. even if you are being stealthy and idlying for a kill. coz then you are constantly kept in suspense. The shooter genre keeps gameplay simple and the feedback raw! you point you shoot and thats instant gratification. with the best seperated from worst by very subtle tactics.
anyway the point of all this is to stop the stupid stereoyping that goes in these forums. I'm not saying all other geners are bad or anything. if you look at my sig you'll notice Im a big fan of DMC3:SE. I'm simply saying that we need to acknowledge why shooters are so popular, instead of saying the players are shallow etc. shooters are the most efficent genre. in terms of action been rewarded with feedback.
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