and it all has to do with graphics where the wii is better then the xbox in graphic qualiy but its simply not true. the wii has nothing that can compete with doom 3, riddick, halo 1 or 2, splinter cell chaos theory, far cry, JSRF, rallisport 1 or 2, mech assault, forza, or the PGR seriies. i havent seen anything on par with crimson skies or dead or alive. where are all of these games that look better then these? im sure the term art style will be used for the ones that get posted to counter this thread but honestly. find a racer on the wii that beats out rallisport 2. remember wii's far cry and splinter cell? no where near the quality of the xbox version.
the wii still hasnt produced a game better looking then the best gamecube games. RE4 was the same game with new controls (nintendo seen the succuss of ot and now have of their releases on the wii are gamecube ports). nothing looks better then f-zero either. perhaps nintendo should let sega make their games?
the bottom line. the xbox has better looking games then the wii. at the end of the day it doesnt matter because the wii will still sale like hotcakes but open your eyes. panzer daragood orta came out a long time ago and it shames all of the rail shooters in graphics on the wii. actually in everything else to. i think the truth is this:
wii owners just say things to make themselves feel better about their purchase or they really honestly believe what they are saying. and thats sad.
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