I've noticed that every xbox exclusive title is hated on, for instance Halo one of the best fps 's I've played since Goldeneye. This game is said to be a casual fps(whatever that means), noobified, and overrated by most. Another example is DOA, which imo is one of the best 3D fighters out there next to Tekken(God among 3D fighting games). The game offers beautiful and interactive environments and some colorful characters but is still seen among gamers as a noob fighter. What really gets me is when people talk down about the game because of it's innuendo, so the chicks boob jiggles when she is punched to the ground doesn't that just add to the realism? Then there's the games people know they can't knock due to the fact that it's an excellent game, so instead they don't give credit nor mention the game at all. These games include Ninja Gaiden, Forza, PGR, some Rare games(Conquer, Kameo).
I think it's because they rival some of the older already established franchises and instead of embracing, stubborn gamers rather hate than give credit!
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