The reason why sony is losing games that have been exclusive on the PS and PS2 is because back say 5 years ago, sony was out selling all the consoles by a landslide, it was a joke and a lot of sony's big exclusives were from Japan where the xbox did close to nothing and the gamecube was also not selling nearly as good as the PS2. The game companies would make a game for the PS2 like VF4, tekken 4, tekken 5, MGS 2, MGS 3, and Devil may cry, and they did not even waste their time trying to port them over because there was so little money to make selling on xbox and gamecube so they did not even waste their time porting the game over and just moved on the the next game. Now games like MGS2 and Onimusha proved that it was not worth porting a huge PS2 game to the xbox or gamecube when they introduced MGS2:substance and Genma Onimush for the xbox gaming system, and pretty much any1 who was interested in those games already had a PS2 and the games did not sell very well at all and MGS3 and all other onimushas stayed put on PS2. So you see, sony did not even open up their pocket books to their so called "exclusives", the companies were pretty much forced to stay exclusive because it wasent worth the time to make a big hit game multiplatform. Take VF4, VF3 was on the dreamcast, VF1and 2was on the Saturn so the first VF game on sony platform was VF4 on the PS2 and when you look at the numbers it would have been a waste of time and resources to put the effort into porting it to the xbox and gamecube cause it would sell very low. So when VF5 was announced for 360 they did not end any exclusive deal with sony, it was just a third pary game going multiplatform just like all the other games shifting form sony exclusive to multiplatform, they are all actuallythird party games just finally going muliplatform because right now the 360 is selling very good and is in the lead right now and at this point in time there is little money to be made keeping a third party game exclusive to playstation 3 unless sony throws gobs of cash at you which they wont because they said they wouldnt.
So really what people are doing is confusing First party with third party. A sony first party game would be Socom or Resistance, and a third party game would be MGS4, Grand Turismo 5, Final Fantasy 13, devil may cry 4, tekken 6, virtua fighter 5, resident evil 5, and grand theft auto 4. Now in the past theyve been exclusive but by choice and not because of sony giveing them money. So these games have had and still have the right to go on any console they want, and now they are because of the way the consoles are selling now.
This is pretty much all in a mess, but I was in a hurry and it is very hard for me to type out what is in my head because there is so much to explain but if i could talk and tell you in person it would take me like 5 mins and you would fully understand and agree with me and in the end it is not really a big deal and sony must think its not a big deal to because they could easily throw money at some of these third party developers and get their past and current big gun games exclusive to their new system.
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