ok i was thinking why soo many games aren't preped for 7.1 audio and 1080p. because mS in their rush to be first killed it for us. Why is madden not a native running 1080p because its first made for xbox then ported to the ps3 because its the easiest thing to do. And im not sure that the 360 can handel it. playing gears on my brothers 360 it sounds like a battle in there. its scary. if the 360 sounds this bad with this gens games what about the future. While maybe our ps3 does not have the greatest games right now i do know that it does not sound like saving private ryan in there aand i dont worry about failure like the red lights.
think about it, if the 360 was able to play 1080p and 7.1 from launch then we would have those as the norms. but the 1080p came in a update. now very few games will come this way and i think none for the 360. I have to wait for kojima and MSG4 to experiance true next gen componets.
and i know that most people dont have 1080p monitors or 7.1 audio systems but for the few of us that do, we deserve a next gen experiance.
raises flame shield and prepares for the worst:x
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