Due to the unbelievable replies I have gotten so far, I will make this point simpler. My argument has nothing to do with YOUR taste in games, or MY taste in games. It is all about POPULARITY in the gaming world. If you like console A better than console B because of some game looks awsome, it has nothing to do with this argument, because overall sales are based on popularity with franchises, not what the GS System Wars fanboy's decides to purchase.
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Now think about this. How many consoles did you own last gen? I wouldn't be suprised if you said all 3, hell, I have 2 of each. Chances are if you had any, you had a PS2 (the most popular last gen). Chances are, you loved a good amount of PS2 games . Chances are, a good amount of those PS2 titles are being continued on the PS3. Chances are, you're not gonna miss out on your Final Fantasy, MGS, or whatever you're into cuz "teh 100-200 dollars more is so unpayable!."
The PS3's future line up of games that already have HUGE fanbases ensure it's eventual victory. Halo sells like crazy, everyone agrees. Alot of people love halo, alot of people like halo, and alot of people either don't like it or dont care. To the people who like it or less, they won't drop 350-400 on a 360, unless the 360 somehow magically obtains exclusives that beat out other categories that Sony consoles have already secured.
So here is where things get logical
For example, 360 needs an exclusive to draw away GT fans -- Forza 2. It's a great game, plain and simple. Yeah it may have a lack of tracks, visuals, and car selection, but it's arguably much better than the last gen GT games. Now you got the GT player's looking over at that 360. But the GT fans know that GT5 is being made, and after e32007 i dont think anybody is switching boats for forza 2 ( for the few who did, i understand). Every GT game sells like 10 mil, that's disgusting (my memory may be wrong though).
So 360 lost in that category. PGR4, while a great game, doesn't change peoples' minds.
Lets look at RPGs now. RPG gamers from last gen know that the playstation was the place to be. Final Fantasy alone, is followed by millions. Now as I said before, if you had a PS2, theres also a good chance you had an Xbox. PS2 gamers know what Kotor is, and they know it's awsome, and alot of people enjoyed fable. So the 360 comes around with no RPGs for it's entire first year. Oblivion was amazing, then it went multiplat -- no longer a player. People on the fence this gen (and there are ALOT) now compare the 2 systems.
The 360 is getting Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata, and some other ones that if I can't remember the names of, a casual sure as hell won't either. Blue Dragon isn't important, even if it ends up being good. This isn't my opinion on what games are good, I'm telling you BD doesn't draw the attention needed to sell a console. Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect are the 360's chance to grab more supporters. But even then, you are trying to grab FF fans, some of the most blind, narrow-minded RPG gamers (even though FF is awsome). Than thers all the other PS2 RPGs that will probably reppear in someway on the PS3, along with the new IPs like White Knight Story. Bottom line, 360 is on the right track, but is gonna need more to win.
Than you got action/adventure games.
MGS fan base > than SplinterCells.
jak and daxter, ratchet and clank fan base > what platformers did Xbox even have?
God of War > Ninja Gaiden.
(these are just a few examples)
Ninja Gaiden is the superior game, I think most critics would agree, but it's difficulty simply doesn't draw in the casual action game fan. Plus, PS3 just got sigma 0_o. I don't think people understand how huge that is. Ninja Gaiden was my main selling point for the 360 ( i already have one but hey, for the sake of my post). And while Im still getting NG2, im not even sure if it will be good (hell I havent gotten ANY info on it). So what action games do we have left for the 360?...Plus GoW sells like mad. Devil May Cry was a great addition to the 360 librariry, but theres a lot more games to beat than just DMC, a big one being heavenly sword.
K now fighting games.
360 got Virtua Fighter, awsome. One step closer.
However, a big however, DOA vs Tekken? please stop yourself. I enjoy the DOA series, but it boils down to this:
PS3- tekken, VF, Soul Calibur
360 - VF, DOA, Soul Calibur.
Tekken makes PS3 the more favorable choice. this is not my opinion, i dont even like tekken. But it simply is more popular, alot more popular.
Finally, shooters. This genre is the biggest selling point for the Xbox franchise. People who love Halo probably already own a 360, or will be getting one this holiday season. Im willing to bet most PS2 owners, own or have played Halo, and enjoyed it. This is a crucial point in alot of consumers' decision making. They now look at the 360 again, look at ALL of it's games. They think, hey I really like Halo, and I'm also gonna get to play Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, GeOW, NG2, DOA etc...This may actually be a great purchase. This is why more 360s will sell. Not directly because, the rumoured "teh omg i need Halo3" effect, but because Halo 3 is just enough to tip the scale in favor of a purchase. This goes the same with GeOW being as most GeOW players also enjoy Halo. The GRAW games and rainbow 6 games also helped the 360 move it's sales. But now they are multiplats, and no longer matter.
The 360 is obviously going to dominate this holiday season, but the PS3 is minimizing the damage with the timed exclusive UT3 + Haze, and Killzone 2. UT3 appeals more to the PC audience though, and Haze is unproven. KZ2 is going to need more than pretty graphics to cut into Halo's fanbase. But if you think about it, how important will Halo 3 prove itself in making that average guy change his mind.
You will probably say something like, "360 outsells PS3, you fail". No s***. Congratz, you can look at sales numbers, now how bout you try to relate them to the gaming world. 360 had a year up on PS3. For a whole year, it was the only "next-gen" system out there. It's library was decent for just releasing, and people know that Halo rhymes with Xbox. However, have you noticed that the 360 is freakishly similar to the original Xbox's game selection? You got your PGR, your DOA, your random multiplats,Forza, and your getting your Ninja Gaiden, your Halo, your epic space RPG (Mass Effect taking the place of KOTOR this time). The only thing the 360 added is....more shooters! PDZ, GeOW, GRAW, R6, Lost Planet. Good games, cool. But the Xbox didn't need to reinforce it's already dominant shooter line-up. And by line-up I mean Halo. You know who bought all those new shooters?-- the same people who are going to buy Halo 3. What it needed was RPGs or action/adventure, and all I see is Lost Odyssey, ME, and a few other cutesy anime RPGs. It needed anything BUT shooters. If you want to win the console war, you need to have variety in your library. Right now the 360 is depending on a shaky list of RPGs with only two looking promising in popularity - Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect. And what exactly is the hyped action/adventure games of the 360....? Banjooie 3 (spelling..?)?
Who the hell needs the PS3 as a gamer right now!? Who needs to drop 500-600 right now so they can play Motorstorm and Resistance (good games, but think outside the box for a second). Barely anybody. But look! The sales of the PS3's first year practically match the 360's first year sales. How the hell does that happen!?The PS3 comes out with a $600 price tag, awful reviews in some of the biggest media prints, practically no worthy games that warrant such a purchase, and it still sells! You think it would of killed itself, but infact, it outsold the 360 this month! People will say, "teh clearance sale!", $500 aint a clearance sale kids. People are still bombing $500 on a system with less games than it's cheaper 360 counter-part. Who's buying this console?-- Hardware nuts, after all, the PS3 is a reliable system.....with the cheapest blu-ray player on the market. I'm sure a few people bought the PS3 because they saw good fortune in it's upcoming games. I'm sure some people bought it because it said "playstation." But if those are the kinds of people who are buying it now, imagine when the games come.....
PS3 hitting 9-10 mil by the end of the year is entirely realistic, and then the big guns start rolling in in 2008. I'm sure 360 will still be a ways ahead after the Halo 3 craze but what comes after that? Some RPGS that still have yet to prove themselves versus a PS3 lineup that even if is scored low (unlikely) will sell like crazy to it's already installed fanbase?
The 360 can take the gold again in shooters, that's practically a given now. But as it stands, the PS3 is going to take more medals in other genres, and at the same time is taking a brave step forward into shooter land. If things continue at this rate, PS3 will overkill in sales.
I'm not a fanboy, if you thought I was, shame on you. I never insulted a single 360 game, I merely stated what franchises are more popular. I don't even have a PS3, because as I stated, why do I need one now? I have a 360 and enjoy it.
I'm not telling you what games are better, just what games are more popular. If I somehow was wrong and maybe for example DOA sells more than Tekken, please inform me immeaditely.
If you try to "own" me by posting a list of 360 RPGs to come or whatever, it just shows that you didn't read my post.
I left the Wii out of this because well, it wins hands down.
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