The 360 has a lot of support from developers, good games coming, now here are my reasons why it will still end up the 3rd system.
Let's look at gamers attitude towards the 360:-
1) Die-hard lemmings and newly annointed lemmings who can't live without their 360 and arey ok with going through 2,3,4,5, or 11consoles, they are the equivelant of the Gamecube fanbase and will always support the 360.
2) People who want a 360 but if it breaks on them they will switch sides.
3) People who own all consoles or two of them and love their 360, but after a while they find that the competition is evolving and won't keep their 360when it breaks and find out that after a while that their love for the 360 is not pragmatic anymore.
4) People who hate M$ and the X-box brand and consider themselves traitors if they buy one.
5) People who own other consoles and don't give a damn about 360 games.
6) People who don't want to pay for online no matter what and will never get a 360.
7) People who have a gaming PC and can't find too much distinction for them to own a 360, and Microsoft cares as much about PC gaming because it wants to sell Vista(which will never catch up without cool DX10 games), so this will never change.
As you can see, M$ just signed the 360 death warrant by not seriously dealing with the problem and/or not properly communicating with the customers aboutthis matter. The reliability issue really hurt the image of the 360, and will hold sales the most.
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