Why the Wii can NOT ruin gaming.
1: The PC. It is because of companies like AMD/ATI, nVidia, and Intel that are always in competition with each other driving their respective business' to build something bigger and better and faster and more efficient. It is because of these advances in HARDWARE that drives the makers of consoles to play catch up. If they all decided to all of sudden take the same route as Nintendo then many console gamers would quickly migrate to the PC. Even the 360 and the PS3 are obsolete in the ever evolving world of the PC.
2: The Gamer. I have been gaming since I was 4, and so have many many people. In fact the average gamer is something like 28 years old, which is older then me and I started on an Atari 2600, then NES, Genesis, SNES, PSX, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, XBox, Wii, PS3 all in that order. And I will always demand quality from my games. I like everything from Mario to Metal Gear but the thing that all the games have in common is that they are fun, epic, and just plain great in their respective genre's. I do not except mediocrosy and I know that I am not alone. There will always be a market for the "core" gamer. 3. The Developers. Many people confuse the publisher with the DEV. The Dev is like the director, producer, writer, and actors of a movie. The publisher just funds said game. Now let's make an analogy here and I will use Lord of the Rings as an example here. When Peter Jackson said I want to do LotR, he needed funding, some publisher said they would fund the project. The publisher didn't say "no, we aren't going to give you money because we could make 10 mediocre movies and make more money that way." No they said "damn, this is going to be epic, it is going to sell ridiculously well and it will help keep the movie industry afloat." They saw a great director, with a great storyline, with amazing actors and saw success. Today game publishers see the same thing in DEV teams like Wii Wright, Sid Meier, Kojima, Bioware, Bethesda, Crytek, Valve, Epic, Irrational, Eat Sleep Play, Relic, Ubi Montreal, Mistwalker, Square-Enix, Blizzard, EALA (formerly Westwood studios), Infinity Ward, Bungie, Gas Powered Games, Ensemble, Turn 10, Polyphony Digital, Bizzare Creations, Capcom, Pandemic, Naughty Dog and so many more. 4. The programmer. No great game programmer has ever said they just want to make mini-games. Like Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Martin Scorcese, Tom Hanks, Russle Crow, Stan Lee, JRR Tolkien, Frank Sinatra, The Beatles and the many other great directors/producers/actors/writers/musicians, they want to make something epic, something grand, something people will forever remember them for. Kojima has Metal Gear, Miyamoto has Zelda and Mario, Yamauchi has Gran Turismo. People in general don't want to be mediocre, it just is that it happens to most of us, people want to be great. 5. Legitamacy. Nintendo is trying to expand the market, we were all at one point or another just a casual gamer. I happened to start with pong, my Mom with Tetris, my girlfriend with Guitar Hero and Wii Sports, my Grandfather with Tiger Woods Golf, and so many more. People need a reason to start gaming and they aren't all of a sudden going to be turned on by something that hasn't garnered their intrest in the past. But if you can get them somehow, whether it is through WiiFit or BrainAge, then all we are doing is making more gamers. And when their are more gamers then the legitamacy of videogames will grow. It won't be until videogames touch a billion people that videogames will be considered a legitamate form of media entertainment. It is looked down on, less so now then 10 years ago, but society still blames it for it's faults and it won't stop until it is considered legitamate.
6. The Games. Nintendo is still making Zelda, Mario, Samus, and a franchise to be revived. They still cater to the "core" of the Nintendo Nation. What was their last great fresh IP, Pokemon, Nintendo has always been about it's core franchises and just because it's new IP's are geared at new gamers doesn't mean it doesn't know where the hearts of it's Nintendo Fanboy's reside. And I don't have a list right in front of me and after all this typing I don't feel like looking it up, but I am pretty sure that Nintendo does have some new IP's coming out that are geared more towards the "core" gamer. 7. The crap. There has always been crap that has sold well...Matrix Game anyone...and there will always be crap that sells. You want to blame someone for crap blame the EBGames that are pressured by corporate to push crap onto its consumers and not be informed about the games they are selling. Blame the publisher that pays corporate EB to push crap games by pressuring its employees, but do not blame Nintendo. 8. The PC enthusiast. This one goes hand and hand with number 1. The reason those companies continue to push hardware is because of A: Moores Law, B: The PC enthusiast. C: The need to be more powerful. A: Self Explanatory, B: This is the guy who takes the latest and greatest, throws it in his PC, runs a bunch of Benchmarks after painstakingly OverClocking his CPU for 2 weeks just to have the highest PCMark score. These people exist and there are a lot of them. C: If there wasn't a need for more power then we would still be using Comodore's, but we aren't we are using CPU's that were considered SuperComputer's 2 decades ago and that trend is not about to halt because of the ever growing need for more computing power in order to do research in everything from medicine to weather to rocket science to aerodynamic design.
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