Why not just use the analog stick?
I've been playing fighting games on the playstation brand consoles for a long time (Street Fighter, Tekken, you name). I could never rationalize throwing 50+ bucks down with my limited income just for a controller that can only be used on one genre of games. Thus, I always just sticked with the standard controller and got used to doing everything with the playstation d-pad.
When fighting games like street fighter started showing up on the xbox arcade, I couldn't wait to start playing people online. I found out to much dismay however that the 360 d-pad SUCKS! Sure, it can be useful for shooting games and action games for selecting items and whatnot, but trying to do a hadoken on that junk is a pain in the butt, not even mentioning shoryukens or full-rotational grabs.
I almost gave up with fighters on the 360 all together when I thought up a novel idea. "Why not just use the analog stick?" It's basically like an arcade stick, just on a much smaller level. While it did take me some practice initially, now I can do hadoken and shoryuken-like moves no problem. I think its even easier to do zangeif's full-rotational grab on the 360 controller than on the playstation controller.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I always see people on the forums complaining about playing fighting games on the 360 controller, going so far as to avoid buying street fighter 4 on the 360 because of the d-pad. Well, coming from someone who has been there, done that, why not try using the analong stick? It does take some practice, but I find it alot better than the d-pad.
Discuss if you please.
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