OKay I've seen a lot of threads about how M$ is lame because we have to pay for Live and all, but not one ever talks about why we pay for it... We have to pay for Live because they keep all of the Movies, TV Shows, Music Videos, Demos, Gamerpictures, Themes, and Patchs for games on there servers... Thats what they have to update when they update the whole system...
Now What seems to be completely Insane is the fact that Silver accounts can download any of that stuff that they want (If its free or the they pay the M$ points for the thing), but they can't play Online against other people... Now that Makes no sense becuase Microsoft does not have to do anything with the Online Games... All of the Online Gameplay is Run P2P so Microsoft does not have to keep up servers or anything for it... Its all run off of everyones Internet Provider... I could imagine having to pay to keep up the stats for all the games, but thats not Microsoft either... thats up to each game developer... Bungie keeps all the HD Pictures that you take on there Server space... they keep all the Kill to Death Stats on there Servers... Same with everything else you can track with Bungie.net...
Now becuase we are already paying for M$ to keep up there servers with the stuff that we can download... Why the **** do we have to pay CRAZY amounts for it... They charge Money FOR PICTURES... that take less the 50 KB to store we have to pay 50-120 Microsoft Points... We have to Pay 800 Microsoft points for New Maps (Microsoft Decides how much to charge for everything on the Marketplace) which Microsoft did nothing for... They are only storing it on there Servers which we are already being charged for... I'd be okay if the money went all To Game Devlopers, but it does not...
We are paying for stuff that most people (EVERYONE on my friends list... No one Downloads Movies, or TV's Shows... And those are what take up the most space) don't even use... Thanks for thinking it through M$...
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