Most us know that the WII has been one of nintendo's greatest success ever. However it should not be considered in the same catagory as the ps3 or xbox360 because one of the reasons for that success was that it targeted a different audience. Let me explain further.
Nintendo lost the previous console war because the gamecube had to compete with the ps2 (all hail the king) and the xbox for the hardcore audience. Now nintendo has decided to change directions and start the casual market which neither the xbox360 nor the ps3 has attempted to start. So basically right now Nintendo owns the casual market and the xbox and ps3 are competiting for the hardcore market. Therefore, we shouldn't compare the wii with ps3 and xbox in terms of sales because of the target audience difference.(game scores i guess would be fine).
Now if microsoft decides to relaunch the xbox360 as a causal system (xbox expirence) then we should count all sales from that day forward as a standerd for comparison between the 360 and WII (no ps3).
P.S. I'm a big ps3 fan.
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