Xbox 360 will obviously be the winner, the xbox 360 has some of the top games out there such as gears of war, halo 3, bioshock and more. on top of that it has the full HD 1080P on all of its games from the past year. The PS3 says they all have 1080P but if you pay attention most of there games are only 720P many maulti platform titles are only 720P on the PS3even one of sony's best sellers ratchet and clank futer:tools of destruction is in 720P, disapointing.... also for maulti platform titles, on PS3 there will be more frame lagg then 360 (360 almost never has any) the online play is also not as good as 360, sony's PSN cannot compare to the abilitys of Xbox Live, then agin to keep Xbox Live so good microsoft must charge $50 a year to keep it that way, a very good investment in my opinion. Then there is the Wii the Wii introddused a new way of playing games, with motion senser, a great idea but for the shooters the pointer can get annoying, the screen just dosent move like you would like it to. It adds some great elements to there games but the Wii dosent have alot of the amazing shooters and such that the 360 and PS3 have, the wii just cannot handle it with its last generation prosecore and its standerd defanition grafics, it just cannot compete, there you have it the winner of the war will be the Xbox 360!
(And do not say that i do not know about the systems i have both Xbox 360 and PS3 i play them on a 1080P HDTV, my brother also has the Wii so i know about it, i have done my research about each system and know what im talking about.)
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