XBOX 360 over PS3? I have owned both consoles at one time or another, but I always choose to play the 360 over the PS3. My reasons....
1. XBOX Live is superior to PSN and its worth the $4.12 a month it costs to play on it!! Id rather use a gaming headset over a Bluetooth earpiece anyday. Also, XBL has in game messaging and cross game invites!! Oh and lets not forget the achievements!!
2. Better games. Im sorry, but games like Kameo, Dead Rising, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo 3, Lost Oddesey and Gears of War are vastly superior to anything that the PS3 has offered so far!!
3. I hate the fact that the PS3 CONSTANTLY updates! Its like I have a 3rd PC or Laptop in my house!
4. To this point, BluRay has been proven to be unneccesary. I just dont see the need right now when you can put huge games like Oblivion and GTA IV on one disc! I mean sure, Lost Odessey is on multiple discs, but how much of a lazy turd are you to not be able to get off the couch and swap a disc! Plus, how many people out there have a Dolby Digital 7.1 sound system right now and a 1080p to take full advantage of what BluRay has to offer? Id bet its less than 10% of all homes in America!!
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