Ok to start things off id prefer this not turn into a war of which consol is better ,which console is worse,Hardcore vs. Casual(we're all gamers arent we, besides if this does come up think about how you got to youre so called"hardcore gamer status" you didnt just poof there over night), ect.
But I went with the wii as my console of choice just because I was interested in its line up and I wanted something different. I dont feel disappointed with it really as I didnt need high def graphics and Im not a big fan of shooters( yes I have some fun playing them but they just bore me quicker than most games do). The wii is my first nintendo console since the snes, not because I didnt want the others I just happened to want the ps2 more. Anyways I realize that nintendo may not have the most AAAA,AAA,AA games but that doesnt matter to me as I dont really have alot of time and money to play and keep up with all the new games. The bottom line is that I went with the wii because PS3 doesnt have the games i fell in love with on the ps2(sly, daxter, ect.) and is alittle out of my price range, and the Xbox 360 while it does have those few games that I want badly(star ocean 4, viva pinata, Ect.) i dont want to pay extra for the internet(no matter how good it may be) and I just cant bring myself to sift through all the talk about the games I could care less about to find info on thoose games that I would want to know more about.
So anyways its your turns now.
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