PS3 and XBOX 360
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Motorstorm
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma
- Warhawk
- Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
- Heavenly Sword
- Killzone 2
- DC Universe MMO
- MGS4
- Final Fantasy 13
- Final Fantasy 13 Versus
- SOCOM Confrontation
- Lair
- Folklore
- Uncharted
- Getaway
- 8 Days
- Eye Identify
- SingStar
- White Knight Story
- The Eye of Judgment
- Gran Turismo 5
- Little Big Planet
- Afrika
- Wardevil
- Derby Stallion
- Driver PS3
- Gradius PS3
- Hot Shot Golf 5
- Monster Hunter 3
- Redwood Falls
- Way of the Samurai 3
- Tekken 6
- Heavy Rain
- Infamous
- Time Crisis 4
- Disgaea 3
- Tears of Tiara
- Angel Rings
- Factor 5 Project #2 (the first was Lair)
- New Team ICO Project
- Zone of the Enders 3
- Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
- Shin Megami Tensei Project (confirmed on GS)
- God of War 3 (confirmed on IGN)
- Motorstorm 2
- Twisted Metal
- Wipeout HD
- EXCLUSIVE sega IPS from creator of shenmue
- 2nd EXCLUSIVE sega IPS
- La noire
- free realms (MMO)
- Team Ico project #2
- Epic "Gears of War" type of Game Exclusive
- The Wall
- Metro 2033 : The Last refuge
- The Agency
- Unreal Tournament 3(pc also)
- Haze
XBOX 360
Gears of War
Mass effect
Residentevil 5
Halo Wars
Gears of wars 2
Forza 2
Too Human
Blue Dragon
Lost Oddosey
Two Worlds
Grand Theft Auto 4
WWR 2008
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