[QUOTE="ChristopherM80"] As a hardcore PS360 gamer. Im huge into graphics, shooters and online multiplayer.. News that the Wii is selling so so well really scares me as Online shooter/hardcore type gamer.. Im afraid if this trend continues we will slowly start seeing the end of PS3/360 type gaming and if thats the case i will really give up gaming for good or might go PC.. I am waaaay too spoiled on games like Warhawk,Halo 3, Gears, Resistance and COD4 to give all that up for something like.. the wii. I just could not do it.
Those Wii commercials are making me mad.. The wii is just so gimmicky its not even funny. The wii has no games with any replay value whatsoever.. Single player only games just will not cut it this gen... Im really happy for Wii owners that the console is selling well, but as a hardcore gamer im really really starting to get worried about the future of gaming if the Wii continues its trend
Dude, Hardcore? Casual?
So you like to play Halo, Gears, COD4 and what not right, Warhawk and Resistance?
Hmm, what do all those games have in common,... GUNS!
shooting, sure its fun but y'know doesn't everyone agree shooting something in the head is fun right?
You might say people like to "casually" blow alien/terrorists heads up right?
So, people wouldn't be "hardcore" if they like mixing shooters/action games like Metroid Prime 3 and Medal of Honor Heroes 2, with say,... I dunno Okami, Zack and Wiki, Resident Evil 4, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Manhunt 2, Bully, No More Heroes, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Super Mario Galaxy, Battalion Wars 2, Guitar Hero 3, Legend of Zelda, Tales of Symphonia 2, Kings Story, Animal Crossing.
nah, people who play a variety of games that aren't made by american publishers that involve guns aren't hardcore.
They're casuals.
And y'know what?
They like playing good games.
Wow, didn't think there were good games without guns?
Crazy, Crazy World.
By your logic the SNES,PS1,PS2 ruined this generation of gaming.
I don't think you have anything to worry about if you look at the third party titles being released on Wii.-Renegade
True.. But you never know.. next thing you know Epic could do something on Wii and utilize the Unreal Engine for :::Shutters:: a kiddy game rated "E" yuck
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