Nintendo is trying to hit many gamers as possible. There trying to get as many casuals as possible. But they are doing a mistake they are not for the hardcore gaming. They are finishing the hardcore to get all the casuals. That is o give them problems.
PLAY-STATION 2 was not all about hardcore gamers it had many casuals too. Games like Barbie and many movie games sold alot. The eye toy it was a big success it had many casual interests. Dance Dance Revolution, Eye Toy, Guitar Hero, Movie games, these were for alot of casuals. This is why the PS2 had 120 million sales and more,
Hardcore is the main part of gaming. The best selling games were hard core GTA: SA sold 15 million now that was a hard core game. Halo, Metal Gear Solid, those games are hardcore also the best selling games are hard core. If Nintendo finishes out their hardcore they will lose alot of there consumers. They are trying to make gaming different. Gaming is where something you can do anything, not be yourself and do what ever you want. Nintendo is making gaming what you do in real life, Wii sports I can do all of those things. It is like some kids hate reading so some company takes out books with pictures, music, crazy things the main readers lose their interest.
Not everyone likes gaming. Not every single casual is going to buy Wii. Alot of them are Nintendo lovers. If they all were casuals there wouldn't be VC bought or games like Redsteel, or Zelda. Some people don't like gaming. And not all use the Wii's motion sensors. If the casual market was so big than Brainage or Nintendogs should have sold more than GTA or Halo but they didn't.
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