*Alert*: This post is only for people who's interested in finding out what the console sales is like when you compare their numbers. This post is for those who don't mind to read. This post is NOT for those who always say they don't care about sales.
Wii owns both XBox 360 and PS3 in terms of console sales, it's almost to the point where it's not even debatable.
First, let me start off by saying unlike many people here who tell you nothing but fanobyish opinions and treat them as some kind of truth, I would like to explain the statement that I made with some proof. What I am going to say probably won't be 100% accurate, but feel free to correct me if you think I am being way off or too far from the truth.
For months, especially since Wii and PS3 launched, I tried to follow all the console sales related news, expecially with NPD and Japan's Media Create. I like to observe actual numbers instead of listening to fanboys argue all the time. I came to the conclusion that VGcharts, although definitely not 100% accurate (nobody can be 100% correct anyway), provides us a good general understanding of how well a console is selling, and very useful for comparison purpose.
For one, VGcharts provide actual numbers that we can follow, they provide many things in detail. If you compare their detailed numbers with some official numbers and news reports, you can tell they are pretty close and most of the time, those numbers seem to be reasonable and logical when all things being considered.
I just want to point out one particular thing, way back in January, when nobody was too sure about how many units of Wii have been sold worldwide in 2006, during the first or second week of January, VGcharts has Wii at 3.19 million units sold. Then about two weeks later, Nintendo officially announced that by the end of December 2006, they have shipped/sold 3.19 million Wii's worldwide. I don't know how in the world VGcharts came up with that number, but it turned out to be ridiculously accurate at that time. Another thing, when people were all saying they don't think PS3 has cracked one million yet at the end of December 2006, VGcharts had PS3 at more than one million sold. Again, VGcharts turned out to be fairly accurate with their estimation, because if you add up what PS3 have sold in Japan by the end of 2006 and what NPD reported for Nov/Dec 2006, PS3 was indeed over one million sold.
Nextgenwars is another console sales site, but I don't see them providing anything in detail, it's pretty much just a site that show you 3 numbers and that's all.
For those of you who don't think VGcharts give good estimations, please at least do a little research first instead of asking silly questions that prove you have very little idea of what's going on. If you think you have a legitimate case against VGcharts, we can discuss further.
As for NPD numbers, there's a common misconception. As far as I know, although NPD only tracks 60~70% of all stores in the US, which means they don't track them all, when NPD reports monthly consoles sales numbers, they do however, give a pretty reasonable, often times good estimation, to the stores that they didn't track. They probably give estimation based on surveys, research, observations, etc, for the stores they didn't track. I believe NPD, same as Japan'a Media Create, prefers to play it safe, more often than not, they rather underestimate a bit instead of overestimate, understandably so. I believe most of the time, NPD and Media Create numbers can be a little bit less than actual sales, but they are still fairly accurate.
As it stands (here I am using numbers provided by VGcharts), XBox 360 is currently at 8.76 million sold worldwide, Wii is at 4.24 million sold worldwide. In other words, Wii is almost at 50% of total XBox 360 sold so far.
In both US and Japan, we get detailed monthly/weekly sales numbers, Europe is the place where it's hard to get accurate numbers on a monthly basis, that's where VGcharts can be questioned. If we only compare numbers from NPD and Media Create (US & Japan), XBox is around 4.7 million sold, while Wii is at 2.6 million sold, that means if you only look at US and Japan, Wii already sold more than 50% of what XBox 360 has sold. :o
Another way to look at it, MS announced that 6 million XBox 360 were shipped worldwide by the end of September 2006. At this rate, we might be looking at 6 million Wii sold worldwide by the end of March 2007, which is totally possible. Again, another way to look at things is that XBox 360 didn't even come anywhere close to 4 million units sold back in Jan/Feb 2006.
As for PS3 sales, not much to say. Wii is selling significantly better than PS3 in the US, Wii is selling perhaps TOO MUCH better than PS3 in Japan. Then consider this, there are well enough PS3's to go around in US and Japan, which means PS3 pretty much sold as many units as possible, but still, Wii is currently beating the crap out of PS3 with plenty of supply lower than demand problem. Wii is killing the PS3 in terms of sales, no other way to look at it.
After doing all the reading, research, calculation and using logical ways to estimate, I am convinced that when January NPD numbers come out (soon), it's going to show that Wii has outsold the XBox 360 in the US (month of January 2007). Unlike most fanboys here who only talk the talk and never put the money where the mouth is, if Wii didn't outsell XBox 360 in the US this past month, I will be owned and I will put something stupid in my sig, you can quote me, I don't care.
Future prediction: By the end of October 2007, I expect the worldwide Wii console sales to be trailing XBox 360 total console sales by just a little bit. By that time, I expect XBox 360 to be somewhere around 12 to 15 million sold, while the Wii is at around 11 to 14 million sold, or maybe even more.
By the end of March 2007 (soon), I expect Wii at 5.5 ~ 6.0 million sold, or maybe even more. Expect XBox 360 at 9.3 ~ 9.8 million sold.
No comment for PS3 in 2007, all I can say is that if PS3 doesn't get a price drop soon, overall it's going to do really really bad in 2007.
Quote me on my prediction if you want, any of you can consider me being owned if my prediction became way off in the future, I will admit ownage (if VGcharts has their numbers very different from mine or if official announcement/news from companies prove me wrong, which means I am most likely wrong).
P.S. shipped is not sold, only sold to customers is sold, keep that in mind. If anobody strongly disagrees with VGcharts numbers or maybe even NPD or Media Create numbers, please at least provide some evidence or good estimation to disprove it, logical discussion welcomed.
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