Oh, I know. EA's doing the impossible and beginning to churn out some great titles, which I never expected them to do after they bought up so many developers and ruined so many games a few years back. I'd love to see EA create something for the hardcore gamer on the Wii, though. Boogie and Madden are great, but why can't we get something along the lines of Black?Michael85
I think that we definitely will. EA just needs to find out which franchises and genres fit best with Wii, which will require some time and experimentation. It's the whole field of dreams thing. Remember that Black was only a year ago - I think that it had been well established there was a userbase to support a FPS on Xbox+PS2 by 2006.
Wii is still young, so EA is trying to grab some of the 'exanded audience' market that Nintendo is reaching so well with its current first party software. These projects can be completed quicker as a rule, and believe it or not this is the aggressive route. They do not want Nintendo to shut them out of this market because it looks tasty.
So much for the idea that third parties can't compete with Nintendo on their own platforms. EA is going head-to-head with Nintendo with projects like MySims, Boogie, that awful-looking playground game even. These projects aren't all going to be good or even successful, but some will work and EA will learn from the ones that don't.
By comparison, they can afford to wait on 'core gamer' genres, because the competition with Nintendo's output is less severe in those areas. Nintendo has its own 'core gamer' franchises, but they do not have universal appeal. There is plenty of room on Wii for EA to colonize their franchises as well.
My second biggest gripe is that, even though Nintendo's hardcore games are selling well, 3rd parties refuse to even try putting a game that's not centered around a casual audience on the system. That's why I'm worried about Manhunt 2. I'm hoping it sells well enough for people to take notice. Michael85
You contradict yourself in your own breath. ;) Manhunt 2 is not exactly casual. Controversial, but not casual. It's got all the ingredients for synergy with the MSM concerning the Wii version's pantomime and how it's "the next level of realism in videogame violence" - all it needs is a spark.
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